
yàn wù
  • detest;abhor;abominate;be disgusted with;be disgusted;hatred;loathe;repugnance;aversion;hate;revulsion;dislike
厌恶 [yàn wù]
  • [detest;abhor;abominate;be disgusted] 讨厌,憎恶

  • 看到这样的食物不可能不厌恶

厌恶[yàn wù]
  1. “我特别厌恶杂乱无章,你是知道的。”——“我可不知道,不过我早该猜到了。”

    ' I detest clutter , you know . ' — ' I didn 't know , but I might have guessed . '

  2. 三十多年过去了,我仍然对那名教练感到厌恶。

    More than three decades removed , I detest that coach .

  3. 我对他们那腐朽的生活方式开始感到厌恶。

    I started to feel a revulsion against their decadent lifestyle .

  4. 我一向特别厌恶塑料花。

    Plastic flowers have always been a particular hate of mine .

  5. 他令人厌恶地舔着嘴唇。

    He licked his lips in an unpleasantly reptilian way .

  6. 这座城市被称为美国最令人厌恶的地方。

    The city has been called the armpit of America .

  7. 他十分厌恶被别人当孩子对待。

    He bitterly resents being treated like a child .

  8. 只有对政客的厌恶才能与她对宗教的憎恨同日而语。

    Her hatred of religion is equalled only by her loathing for politicians .

  9. 我厌恶那些不努力的人。

    I 've no use for people who don 't make an effort .

  10. 他厌恶地环顾着这肮脏的房间。

    He looked around the filthy room in distaste .

  11. 她厌恶地皱起鼻子。

    She wrinkled up her nose in distaste .

  12. 她厌恶地皱起鼻子。

    She wrinkled her nose in disgust .

  13. 令人啼笑皆非的是她成了教师——她过去一向厌恶上学。

    It 's ironic that she became a teacher ─ she used to hate school .

  14. 我厌恶地皱起鼻子。

    I wrinkled my nose in disgust .

  15. 我觉得他的举止令人颇为厌恶。

    I find his manner very off-putting .

  16. 有些人厌恶地大声嚷嚷。

    Some people hooted in disgust .

  17. 他对法国的生活感到厌恶。

    He hated it in France .

  18. 他强忍住心里的厌恶。

    He fought down his disgust .

  19. 他感到厌恶,就走开了。

    He walked away in disgust .

  20. 她厌恶地哼了一声。

    She snorted in disgust .

  21. 我再说一遍。我厌恶韦德的生活方式。

    Let me say it again . I despised Wade 's life

  22. 刘易斯先生对这一切不以为意,令人厌恶。

    Mr. Lewis takes an insufferably glib attitude toward it all .

  23. 我一做完那件事就对自己感到十分厌恶。

    Immediately I 've done it I feel completely disgusted with myself .

  24. 他毫不掩饰对我的厌恶。

    He made no attempt to conceal his dislike of me

  25. 他的妻子公开表示厌恶那些礼节性的场合。

    His wife made no secret of her hatred for the formal occasions

  26. 他声称厌恶与金钱有关的一切。

    He professed a distaste for everything related to money .

  27. 多年的厌恶之情终于爆发,双方拳脚相加。

    Years of dislike boiled over and blows were exchanged .

  28. 我转过身厌恶地看着杰基,鼻翼呼呼地翕动着。

    I turned to Jacky , my nostrils flaring in disgust

  29. 他越来越大声地表达对她行为的厌恶。

    His resentment of her behaviour was becoming more vociferous .

  30. 在这个市场里,一些人可能根本不讲道德原则,非常令人厌恶。

    It is a market where people can be very unprincipled and unpleasant .