
nèi xiàng
  • introversion;introversive;turn to the central power;reserve
内向 [nèi xiàng]
  • (1) [introversive]指人的性格、思想感情等深沉、不外露

  • 他是内向人,不轻易发表意见

  • (2) [turn to the central power]∶指归向中央政权

  • 翻然内向

内向[nèi xiàng]
  1. 在外向和内向之间通常所作的对比完全是表面的。

    The oft-drawn contrast extroversion and introversion is entirely superficial .

  2. 在外向和内向之间所作的对比完全是表面的。

    The contrast between extroversion and introversion is entirely superficial .

  3. 梅琴是个孤僻内向的孩子。

    Machen was a lonely , introverted child .

  4. 她一直是一个相当内向的人。

    She has always been a rather private person

  5. 海伦比较害羞内向。

    Helen was diffident and reserved .

  6. 性格外向的人缺乏自我约束力,而性格内向的人则缺乏勇气。

    Extroverts tend to lack self-discipline while introverts lack courage .

  7. 你认为你是个性外向的人还是个性内向的人?

    Do you think you 're an extrovert or introvert ?

  8. 内向协会(长期运营中,始于1982,从不见面)

    Functional3 Introverts4 Association . Not meeting up since 1982 .

  9. 我是个内向的人而且内向是天生的。

    I an introvert and introverts get drawn in .

  10. 中间性格,顾名思义就是包含内向和外向两种特征的性格类型,但两种特征都不占主导。

    Ambiverts , as the name suggests , have both introverted and extroverted .

  11. 他们同意3年内向债主还清欠款

    They agreed to repay their creditors over a period of three years .

  12. 我用内向人的方式轰趴,意思就是……我不轰。

    I party like an introvert1 , which is to say ...... I don 't.

  13. 请走开,我忙着内向呢。

    Please go away . I 'm introverting .

  14. 你个性内向还是外向

    Are you introverted or extroverted ?

  15. 我很内向,也不善于结识陌生人,但我今晚准备去参加一个聚会。

    I 'm very shy11 and I hate7 meeting12 new people , but I 'm going to a party tonight .

  16. 其实,人们对于内向和隐秘自恋型心理特征的理解有些惊人地相似。

    As it turns out , there are some striking similarities between the popular understanding of introversion and a psychological characteristic called covert narcissism .

  17. 多年来心理学家一直把人的性格分成两种:内向型和外向型。不过有专家提出,在性格光谱中存在一种介于外向和内向之间的性格,人们称之为“中间性格”。

    For years , psychologists have divided people into two basic personality types : introverts , and people refer to as " ambiverts " fall somewhere in between .

  18. 抑郁分高的学生性格内向,P分与N分高。

    The students whose CES-D scale were high were introvert . P and N scale were high in EPQ .

  19. 结果:EPQ中E、N、P分都有显著改变,个性由不稳定内向向稳定外向转变;

    Results : There were significant change in E , N and P scores of EPQ .

  20. 碘化N-正丁基氟哌啶醇(F2)对心肌细胞内向整流钾通道的影响

    Effects of N-n-butyl Haloperidol Iodide ( F_2 ) on Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channels of Cardiac Myocytes

  21. AngⅡ受体对内向整流性钾流的影响

    The Effects of Angiotensin ⅱ Receptors on Inward Rectifier Potassium Current

  22. 与抑郁症组比较,精神分裂症组的内向性激惹因子、抑郁因子及焦虑因子分均显著下降,差异有显著性(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    Compared to major depression , the score of internal irritability , depression and anxiety of schizophrenia are significantly lower ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 不过,英国国家统计局(officeofnationalstatistics)的最新数据显示,由于内向移民数量继续维持在高位,加之新生人口数量上升,英国总人口继续强劲增长。

    However , the latest figures from the office for National Statistics said the total population continued to grow strongly as immigration remained high and the number of births increased .

  24. ATP敏感钾通道(KATP)是一类较广泛分布的内向整流钾通道。

    ATP sensitive K + channels ( K ATP ) are a widely distributed group of inwardly rectifier K + channels .

  25. 其中,内向固执型性格与发生VD有相关性。

    The character of introverted and stubborn had correlation with the occurrence of VD .

  26. 结果外向型个性IQ最高,内向型个性IQ最低;

    Result The IQ of extraversion character was the highest and introversion character was the lowest .

  27. 在盐升压的速尿有效组红细胞内向Na漏较无效的高(P<0.05);

    Erythrocyte inward Na " leak " in saline pressor with lasix effective was higher than that in uneffective , P < 0.05 ;

  28. 结论多动行为偏异儿童血5-HT含量明显降低,心理卫生偏异内向型组血5-HT含量明显升高。

    Conclusion The level of 5-HT in serum is related to the type of children with psychophylaxis deviation .

  29. 中国在非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)上月于上海召开的一次会议上表示,计划在未来3年内向非洲提供规模约200亿美元的基础设施和贸易融资。

    At a meeting of the African Development Bank in Shanghai last month , China said it wants to provide around $ 20bn in infrastructure and trade financing to Africa over the next three years .

  30. 有些管理层认可这种转变,并在组织范围内向DBA提供支持。

    Some management types recognized this shift and moved to support it in an organizational sense .