
nèi zhài
  • Domestic debt;internal debt
内债 [nèi zhài]
  • [internal debt] 政府向本国人民借的债务

内债[nèi zhài]
  1. 所谓内债,是国家在本国的借款和发行的债券。

    So-called internal debt , it is the loan of national home and emission bond .

  2. 梁启超的公债思想极为丰富,本文所论述的公债思想特指他的内债思想。

    The public debt thoughts of Liang Qichao are very rich , and the public debt thought of this article is specially referred to his internal debt .

  3. 事实上,区内债市已取得不少增长。

    Indeed , there has been considerable growth in the bond markets in the region .

  4. 内债整理案的实施暂时减轻了政府的财政负担,并使债务结构趋向合理化;

    The reorganization measure temporarily lightened the government 's financial burden , and rationalized the structure of its internal debts .

  5. 和其他一些陷入严重债务危机的国家不同,日本债务的百分之95是内债。

    Unlike some countries that have run into serious debt trouble , 95 percent of what Japan owes is held domestically .

  6. 北洋政府先后发行27种内债,其中12种以庚子赔款退赔款为担保。

    Northern Warlords issued twenty-seven kinds of domestic loans , of which twelve claimed back to the Boxer indemnity funds to guarantee .

  7. 富裕国家在很短的时间内债台高筑,这在现代全球资本市场中几乎是史无前例的。

    Modern , global capital markets have never seen a rise in public debt so fast or so skewed towards the rich world .

  8. 1917年至1921年,退赔款刺激下北洋内债发行持续高涨。

    Under the stimulus of the refund of Boxer indemnity funds , the issuance of domestic loans went up continuously from 1917 to 1921 .

  9. 虽然从借外债转向借内债可以增强对外部冲击的抵御能力,但是也带来可能出现过度借债或监管不当的风险。

    Although the shift from external to domestic borrowing can reduce vulnerability to external shocks , it also carries risks from possible over-borrowing or inadequate supervision .

  10. 从以往金融危机中得到的教训仍很清楚-过度借债,无论是外债还是内债,都是有风险的,而且一个方面的问题很快就会外溢到另一个方面。

    And the lessons from past financial crises remain clear – excessive borrowing , whether external or domestic , is risky , and problems in one arena can quickly spill over into the other .

  11. 清末民初的内债是在社会变迁的复杂环境下,历届政府为维护统治,挽救国家危亡,在举借外债和增税不足的情况下,意图以动员本国民间财力实现稳定统治,发展经济的尝试。

    The domestic debts were a trying of the government for the political stability and economic development in the complex social environment of late Qing Dynasty suffering from the exploitation of external debt and insufficiency of tax-raising .

  12. 即使能够避免一场致命的灾难,欧元区内债权国与债务国之间的分化也将加深,“外围”成员国根本没机会重振本国竞争力,因为整体竞争环境对其不利。

    Even if a fatal accident can be avoided , the division between creditor and debtor countries will be reinforced and the " periphery " countries will have no chance to regain competitiveness because the playing field is tilted against them .

  13. 国内外对于这一时段外债的研究成果丰硕,而内债研究相对薄弱一些,并且这些研究大都是从经济史的角度出发,或者对专门人物进行相关研究,缺乏系统习性。

    At home and abroad the researches on foreign debts in the late Qing Dynasty are fruitful but the researches on internal debt in that period are comparatively weak with some research from the perspective of economic history , or of special characters , lack of systematic studies .