
  • 网络internal conflict;inner conflict;inherent tension
  1. 普遍残缺不全的产权,难以顺应资源的优化配置,并造成村治的内在冲突。

    Generally incomplete property rights , it is difficult to adapt to optimal distribution of resources and cause internal conflict in village governance .

  2. 对积极自由的批评,一方面导致了两种自由的内在冲突,另一方面,也使自由主义与价值多元论之间呈现出紧张的态势。

    The criticism of positive freedom leads to not only the internal conflict of two kinds of freedom but also the nervous tendency of liberalism and value pluralism .

  3. 但如果说有一种CDO充分说明了投行角色的内在冲突,那便是Vertical2007-1。

    But if one CDO exemplifies the conflicts inherent in the investment banks ' role , it was Vertical 2007-1 .

  4. 金融法的定位及内在冲突的衡平

    The Location of finance Law and the Balance of Inner Conflict

  5. 集体领导原则与委员会制的内在冲突

    Conflicts between the Principles of Collective Leadership and the System of Committee

  6. 编织世界与女性艺术家身份认同的内在冲突

    Weaving World and the Inherent Identity Conflict of Feminist Artists

  7. 狭义构成主义方法包含内在冲突。

    An inherent conflict can be found in constructivism in the narrow sense .

  8. 论反垄断对外贸易豁免规则的内在冲突及其克服

    Internal Conflicts and Settlement of Rules on Foreign Trade Exemption in Antimonopoly Law

  9. 这就造成了双方关系的内在冲突。

    That creates an intrinsic tension in their relationship .

  10. 鲁迅思想内在冲突的生成与转换

    LU Xun 's thought : the generation of inner conflicts and their ideological transformation

  11. 他们需要通过使外部环境条理化来解决内在冲突。

    And the way of resolving internal conflicts is by organizing the external environment .

  12. 罗尔斯的正义论存在不可避免的内在冲突和矛盾。

    There are unavoidable inner conflicts and paradoxes in Rawls 's theory of justice .

  13. 论文化建设的内在冲突

    On the Internal Strife in Cultural Construction

  14. 开放经济下我国货币政策目标的内在冲突性分析

    An Analysis on the Inherent Conflict of China 's Monetary Policy Goals in the Open Economy

  15. 维护自由贸易与保护知识产权权利的内在冲突和司法考量之进路

    The Conflicts of Rules and Judicial Resolving Way between Promotion of Free Trade and Protection of IPR

  16. 第二章是表明七月派小说理论和实践资源的内在冲突。

    Chapter II shows the inherent conflict between the theoretical and practical resources of July style novels .

  17. 现行地理标志保护制度的内在冲突及其解决方案探讨

    The Interior Conflict of Our Geological Indication Protective System Currently in Effect and the probing of its settlement

  18. 论马克思人论中本质主义与反本质主义的内在冲突(中)

    On the Inherent Conflict Between Essentialism and Anti - essentialism in Marx s Theory of Human Being ;

  19. 第一章介绍我国票据质押法律规则及其内在冲突。

    The chapter I contains the pledge rules of bills in laws of china and the conflict between them .

  20. 且常是单一角色的内在冲突而非与敌对之间的冲突。

    And often the conflict appears to be internal , within a single character , rather than between adversaries .

  21. 也就是说,在马克思人论中,存在着本质主义和反本质主义的内在冲突。

    In other words , there are some inherent contradictions between essentialism and anti-essentialism in Marx 's theory on human being .

  22. 个人与时代、生命与生活、抽象与实际的内在冲突反复在文字中流露出来。

    The inner conflicts between individual and time , life and existence , abstract and reality flow out from the words .

  23. 在分析模式的设定上,选择国际战略结构的内在冲突作为研究问题;

    On the enactment of the analysis mode , we choose the immanent conflict of international stratagem structure to be the issue ;

  24. 也即应从维护教育现代性为出发点,反思教育现代性的内在冲突;

    That is , we should reflect on the inner conflict of educational modernity with the aim of safeguarding the educational modernity ;

  25. 中国现当代文学学科是建立在其内涵的内在冲突与紧张的基础之上的,因而遭到不同向度的质疑。

    The discipline of Modern Chinese Literature is built on its internal conflicts and tension and therefore is questioned from different angles .

  26. 论人格的内在冲突在《名人录》中的体现(6)情感冲突+无抑郁+较高人均月收入+非内向性格+对现在生活不满意。

    Affective conflicts + no depression + comparatively high monthly income per person + not introversion character + dissatisfaction with life now .

  27. 然而,民间文学艺术毕竟属于文化范畴,与经济范畴的地理标志在价值理念、性格特征、传播规律等方面存在着内在冲突。

    After all , as belong to cultural category , folklore has inherent conflict with geographical indications in value idea , character and transmission rules .

  28. 我国高中教育正处于大众化向普及化过渡时期,来自社会与人的发展的需求是多样化的,但现实选择困境凸显出高中教育发展的内在冲突。

    Needs resulted from social and human development are diverse , but present difficulties in selection otherwise reveal the internal conflicts during the development of high school education .

  29. 本文通过对庐隐女性意识的剖析、庐隐与其他现代女作家女性意识的比较分析,旨在证明,中国女性写作在它诞生之日起就处在一种双声语境的尴尬之中,具有不可避免的内在冲突性。

    Through the analysis of Lu Yin 's female consciousness , the thesis has demonstrated that the writings of contemporary Chinese women were inevitably confined to dual track discourse since her birthday .

  30. 传统文件管理与电子信息管理之间的内在冲突表现在前者关注其作为历史记录的稳定性,后者关注对数据存取的控制。

    The conflict between traditional records management and electronic information management is that the former pays more attention to stability as historical records and the latter to the control in data processing .