
  1. 内容违法民事行为的效力研究

    Research on the Validity of Illegal Current Civil Act

  2. 在我国目前的法律规定中,内容违法的民事行为(合同)被绝对地认定为无效。

    Civil action ( contract ) whose content is illegal is absolutely invalid in our present legal provisions .

  3. 笔者在实际工作中,接触到了大量内容违法的规范性文件,大大侵害了行政相当对人的合法权益。

    The author of the following article has come into a large number of regulatory documents with illegal contents during her work and these documents would infringe of the rights of the counterparts to the administration .

  4. 如果决议的过程中,决议方法或表决方式有瑕疵,或是决议内容存在违法违章的情况,这样的决议就会被称为有瑕疵的决议。

    During the process of forming resolutions , if there occur flaws in decision making methods or voting patterns , or illegal contents appear in resolution , the resolutions will become flawed as a result .

  5. 而同时在行政诉讼中,法院对于行政机关的行政行为是否违法的认定,大多在于实体内容是否违法,忽略了行政过程及程序。

    But at the same time in the administrative lawsuit , court for administrative organs of the administrative action is illegal , is that most entity content is illegal , ignore the administrative processes and procedures .

  6. 关于高等学校的法律地位以及高校与学生的法律关系理论认识比较模糊;具体到高校的校规,内容上存在违法、不尽科学合理的现象。

    The theoretical realization towards the legal status of colleges and the legal relationship between colleges and students rather vague ;

  7. 论争的焦点在于违法性认识的内容为何,违法性认识与社会危害性的关系,以及违法性认识在犯罪成立中的地位。

    Controversies focus on the contents of illegal cognition , the relationship between illegal cognition and cognition of social harm .

  8. 当前,制定程序不规范、内容不当或违法、适用和解释比较混乱以及结构和技术性差错较多等,是高校规章制度建设工作的主要问题。

    Undue procedure , illegal contents , complex application and interpretation , and structural and technical problems etc. are main obstacles .

  9. 如果声明的部分内容或条款违法或者不正确,其他部分内容和条款的正确性将不受影响。

    If sections or individual formulations of this text are not legal or correct , the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact .

  10. 内容可涉及违法犯罪,劳动用工,纳税申报,交通违章,银行信用等多类信息。

    Such information can be included : the records of crime and employment , the notes of tax payment and traffic violations and the history of bank credit .

  11. 主要论述了发票和发票管理的基本概念、基本原则、基本作用、基本内容和发票违法犯罪的处罚条款。

    Mainly dis cusses the invoice and invoice management , basic concepts , basic principles , the basic role , content and criminal penalty provisions of the invoice .

  12. 所谓共同过失犯是指,在具有共同注意义务的场合,二人以上的行为人由于过失违反自己的注意义务,共同引起基本内容相同的违法结果的一种犯罪形态。

    The offense of joint negligence is a kind of criminal pattern that refers to that two or above actors jointly produces an illegal result with the same contents due to their violating one 's duty of care in the circumstance of jointly duty of care .

  13. 论文研究内容压双黄线违法取证系统是视频检测在智能交通中的应用之一。

    The study of this issue pressure double yellow lines illegal evidence in the video detection system is the application of one of the Intelligent Transportation .

  14. 如果在立法中确定一般环境权的具体内容,将有违法律确立一般环境权的初衷。

    If the legislation identified the specific content of the general Environmental Rights , it would be contrary to the original intention of the general Environmental Rights .

  15. 在主观方面,笔者赞同索债型非法拘禁罪只能由直接故意构成,且违法性认识不应成为非法拘禁罪故意的内容,是否具有违法性认识并不影响行为的定性。

    In the subjective aspect , I agree with the Crime of Illegal Detention for Debts can constitute only by the direct deliberation . And understanding of the law is not the contents of deliberation .

  16. 在具体设计强制侦查的司法审查制度时,既要体现刑事司法国际准则的基本要求,又要从我国实际情况出发,在司法审查的范围、内容、方式以及违法救济等方面做出适当的规定。

    While instituting the judicial review regime for compulsory investigation , in consideration of both the fundamental international criteria of criminal justice and the actual state of affairs in China , the range , contents , modes and infringement remedies of the review shall be properly provided .