
huò bǐ sān jiā
  • 熟语shop around and compare prices
  1. 要货比三家,买最合算的。

    Shop around for the best deal .

  2. 价格可能会有高有低,所以在买之前很有必要货比三家。

    Prices may vary so it 's well worth shopping around before you buy

  3. 你应该每次都货比三家,看能不能找到更合算的价格。

    You should always compare deals to see if you can get a better offer5 .

  4. Ebay还开展了新的业务,如分类广告以及在线货比三家。

    Ebay has also been racing into new businesses such as classified advertising and online comparison shopping .

  5. 结果,我们的购物大脑只使用那些已知的事物:视觉线索、被激发的情绪、货比三家,以及便宜货VS宰人品的较量之感。

    As a result , our shopping brain uses only what is knowable : visual clues , triggered emotions , comparisons , and a sense of bargain versus rip-off .

  6. 买东西货比三家,买设备也一样重要。

    Shopping comparison shop , buy equipment is just as important .

  7. 价格高低不一,所以一定要货比三家逐店选购。

    The prices are variable , shop around by all means .

  8. 价格都不一样,不管怎样先货比三家。

    Prices are different , so shop around by all means .

  9. 如果你货比三家的话,或许能够找到一些便宜货。

    If you shop around , maybe you 'll find some bargains .

  10. 购物前,请货比三家。

    Before making a decision , please shop around .

  11. 他们不会在货比三家之前付款。

    They Don 't Buy Without First Comparison Shopping 。

  12. 咱们应该货比三家买最好的。

    We should around for the best deal .

  13. 货比三家:一定要比较价格。买之前到不同的商店逛逛。

    Take your time : Always compare prices ! Visit different stores before buying .

  14. 货比三家不吃亏。

    If you will not be cheat , ask the price at three shop .

  15. 货比三家:养成购买前先比价的习惯,没准你在另一家商店或是网店能买到更便宜的呢。

    Comparison shop : Get in the habit of checking prices before you buy .

  16. 一些投资者也开始货比三家。

    That has some investors shopping around .

  17. 菲尔总是货比三家,然后挑既安全保养费用低评价又好的东西。

    Phil shopped around , found something very safe and low-maintenance with lots of good reviews .

  18. 如果要货比三家,这项工作大可交给我们的手指去做。

    When it comes to comparison shopping , we can let our fingers do the walking .

  19. 当然了,购买者不是为了产品性能而购买它,他们也绝不是货比三家的类型。

    Of course , nobody is really buying this for the specs or because they 're price-conscious .

  20. 其中一个最重要的东西,你可以做,以降低你的利率是货比三家。

    One of the most important things you can do to lower your rates is to shop around .

  21. 它们展示了其中一个可能使用背包策划婚礼时,货比三家或者组织职工搜查。

    They show how one might use Backpack to plan a wedding , comparison shop or organize employee searches .

  22. 首先要在拿定主意之前货比三家,从而保证你买得巧。

    First , make sure you are getting a good buy by shopping around before you make a decision .

  23. 为了货比三家,还去了西玉龙路的自行车店。

    In order to get a better price , we went to the bicycle shops on Xiyulong Road later .

  24. 顾客先要比较商品的价格、质量和款式,甚至要货比三家后才做出决定。

    They compare prices , quality , and styles , and may visit a number of stores before making a decision .

  25. 供应商不一直都给你最优惠的价格,要经常货比三家。

    However , these other suppliers don 't always have a better price so be sure to do some comparison shopping .

  26. 货比三家的最好的产品,能够正确对待你的头发和帮助你的头发健康和光泽。

    Shop around for the best product that can treat your hair right and help you get healthy and lustrous hair .

  27. 在此建议你购买保险时要货比三家,以便购买到最低的保险费率和最大的保险范围来更好地满足你的需求。

    It is recommended that you shop around for the best rates , and coverage , which will best serve your needs .

  28. 通过货比三家来选择一家物美价廉的店家,但要注意:东西便宜的离谱的往往会意味着不靠谱。

    Choose a cheaper shop via comparison , but pay attention if things are ridiculous cheap , it always implies fake commodities .

  29. 他表示,从他自己的经验来看,男生似乎花的钱更多,因为他们很少货比三家。

    He said that judging from his own experience , male college students seemed to spend more because they seldom compare prices .

  30. 这和买衣服买车是同样的道理,货比三家。

    It 's like trying on a new shirt or buying a new car . You don 't look at just one item .