
  • 网络monetary gain;money income;pecuniary benefits;monetary efficient gain
  1. 最后,她会将货币收益划归卖方。

    Finally , she will hand over the monetary proceeds to the seller .

  2. 市场经济要求个人的教育投资收益应以货币收益为主。

    Money is the main profit for personal education investment in market economy .

  3. 我国的个人教育投资收益结构中货币收益比重太小。

    The proportion of money in personal education investment profit structure is little in China .

  4. 个人教育投资收益有两种:货币收益和身份收益。

    There are two kinds of profits money and social status for personal education investment .

  5. 应当在保证其公共职能的前提下,追求一定水平的货币收益。

    On the premise of ensuring its public functions , it should pursue a certain level of monetary income .

  6. 个人智力资本投资与个人货币收益正相关,是任何一个经济分配制度中都应当体现的一项基本原则。

    Personal intelligence capital investment and income is positive correlation , which is basic principle reflected in any economic distribution system .

  7. 不同循环阶段的人力资本财务激励和约束都涉及到控制权收益、货币收益与声誉资本,但在具体的激励与约束方式上又存在着差异。

    Commons in financial incentive and restraint of venture capital cycle stages involve right of control , income of money and reputation capital .

  8. 从货币收益的角度看,农家小院系统的费用使用效率、商品生产获利能力要优于芦花湖系统。

    The results showed that the Farmyard system got more benefit than the Luhua Lake system did from the point of view of monetary profit .

  9. “收益”一词系指由投资产生的货币收益,包括利润、利息、资本利得、分红、提成费或酬金。

    The term " returns " includes monetary returns yielded by an investment including any profit , interest , capital gain , dividend , royalty or fee .

  10. 尽管这可以简化问题,但是这显然与现实很不相符,因为在现实中企业家不仅关心货币收益,而且还可以获得大量的货币支付。

    Although this can simplify the issue that we analyse , this obviously is consistent with reality , because entrepreneur only cares about pecuniary returns , but can obtain a great lot of cash flows .

  11. 以政府主导,政府经营,政府收益为主要的特征的城市公共资源市场化运作产生了大量的货币收益,并极大地支持了政府城市的建设和发展投入。

    With the characteristics of government leading , managing and benefited , marketization of urban public resources has yielded a great amount of capital income , and has been supporting the governmental urban construction and development greatly .

  12. 公众之中典型的反应是这样的:不考虑客户的需要,不加选择地追求个人的货币收益,是对商业界的大企业部门的操作方式进行谴责的原因。

    The typical response from members of the public is like this : the indiscriminate pursuit of personal financial gain , irrespective of the needs of clients , is an indictment of the way large sectors of the business community operate .

  13. 本文结合房地产投资收益理论以及效用理论,在对一系列房地产交易数据进行分析的基础上,剖析了问题产生的原因,并提出一种对房地产非货币收益进行量化的方法。

    Based on the analysis to a series of real estate market transaction data , unified with the real estate investment income theory and the Effectiveness theory , this paper analyzes the reason that causes the question and offers a way to quantify the Non-pecuniary return of real estate .

  14. 系统可以根据用户的需要,分别以林分最大蓄积量、最大生物量或最大货币收益为经营目标,求解在各种间伐体制下各龄阶的最适经营密度。

    This system can help you get the optical operating density of every age class of all kinds of intermediate cuttings by setting the maximum amount of growing stock or the maximum biomass or the maximum net income as the target of forest management according to the demand of users .

  15. 受援国将按极低的利率向imf支付利息,相当于所有可兑换货币国债收益率的综合平均水平。

    Recipient countries would pay the IMF interest at a very low rate , equivalent to the composite average treasury bill rate of all convertible currencies .

  16. 也就是说,人们往往仅仅关注教育的货币化收益功能,而忽视了非货币化收益的功能,重视教育带来的私人收益而忽视了社会收益。

    That is , people only concern the currency benefit from education rather than social effect .

  17. 德国通过纾困资金和区域内转移付出了,但它也通过贸易和货币渠道收益了。

    Germany pays out via bail-outs and intra-regional transfers ; but it also receives benefits via trade and monetary channels .

  18. 在收益率的计算上.对货币加权收益率、时间加权收益率、累计收益率和平均收益率进行了分析研究。

    In the calculation , on the return of weighted profitability , time currency weighted profitability , total return and average yield were analyzed and studied .

  19. 但是,在国内外众多的研究成果中,却尚未有人从货币支出收益的角度来分析国际金融格局的演变。

    However , in much domestic and international research , there was no one who analyzes the evolution of the international financial landscape from the monetary point of view .

  20. 理论上,人们已经意识到教育通过它对受教育者的工资和就业产生可以量化的货币化收益的正效应来实现其对犯罪产生显著的负效应。

    Theoretically , people have realized education can cause positive effect by currency benefit for the educators ' salary and employment , which decreases the negative effect from crimes .

  21. 投资者行为之所以出现这种变化,一定程度上是因为投资者对货币市场收益率较低感到失望,以及他们觉得官方利率将持续保持在较低水平。

    This change in investor behaviour has partly been due to frustration with low money market yields and the perception that official rates will stay low for a sustained period .

  22. 在脱维亚贷款中占比超过90%的外汇贷款特别令人担忧,因为借贷者原本依靠本国货币的收益偿还贷款,而本币的贬值给他们带来了额外的压力。

    Foreign exchange loans , ranging to 90 per cent of lending in Latvia , are a particular concern because of the extra burden on borrowers who make repayments out of local currency earnings .

  23. 中国经济改革推进是在货币化收益、国家垄断信用和非国有经济金融剩余创造三位一体的维持机制支撑下前行的。

    China 's reform has been carried out with the support of maintaining mechanism which is based on the combination of profit of monetization , national monopoly credit and creation of financial surplus by economy independent from state .

  24. 一国外汇储备结构不仅要考虑储备货币的收益性和风险性,而且也要考虑其在国际市场上兑换的方便性和交易的低成本性。

    The structure of foreign exchange reserve for one country not only depends on the return and risk of the reserve currency , but also the marketability and the transaction cost of the currency in the international market .

  25. 在我国,金融控制带来的收益主要有金融租金和货币发行收益,而金融控制的损失主要有利率控制效率损失、不良资产损失和银行管理效率损失。

    In our country , the profit that financial control brings includes financial rent and currency publishing profit , and the loss of financial control is supposed to be the efficiency loss of interest rate control , bad asset loss and bank management efficiency loss .

  26. 货币国际化的收益、成本与人民币国际化分析

    Analysis on Benefits , Costs and Conditions of Currency Internationalization and RMB Internationalization

  27. 套利交易者借入低息货币,买入收益率较高的币种。

    A carry trader borrows in a low-yielding currency to buy in a higher yielding one .

  28. 他表示,大宗商品的真实需求与风险偏好的增加相结合,将推动投资者在新兴市场和商品货币中寻求收益,避开美国经济的财政赤字。

    He says real demand for commodities combined with improved risk appetite will push investors to seek yield in emerging markets and commodity currencies , away from the fiscal deficiencies of the US economy .

  29. 最优货币区的收益主要包括消除外汇交易成本、减少汇率波动和不稳定、更大的价格透明度和更佳运营的内部市场,成本则主要来自经济政策工具(即汇率变动)的丧失。

    Optimum monetary income of district includes dispelling foreign currency transaction cost , reducing exchange rate fluctuate , heavy price transparency and good inside market mainly . The cost mainly comes from the forfeiture of the economic policy tool ( namely exchange rate change ) .

  30. 货币政策对国债收益率曲线影响的实证研究

    An Analysis about the Impact of Monetary Policy on the Yield Curve of Bond