
huò xiāng
  • container;packing box
货箱[huò xiāng]
  1. 货箱横梁通过与铆接在货箱纵梁上的连接板焊接,形成了相互交叉的平面网状结构。

    Container horizontal girders can pass through longitudinal girders , or butt-joint with webs of the container longitudinal girders .

  2. 港口的泊位调度(分配)是集装箱港口进出口货箱作业过程中一个十分重要的环节。

    Berths Scheduling ( distribution ) is a very important aspect in the course of the import and export container operations in the port .

  3. 货箱上标明“小心轻放”。

    The crate is marked “ Handle with care ” .

  4. UPS能够以远远超越单纯货箱运输的创新性服务,帮助您实现这些目标。

    With innovative service offerings that go far beyond moving boxes , UPS can help .

  5. 这样的陋室是我们用废弃的纸板或货箱搭建而成的,其大小只可供我们爬进去召开秘密会议,我们管这样的陋室叫“bunk”。

    This was our word for a hovel , built by us of salvaged boards or crates and big enough for us to crawl into for secret conclaves .

  6. 我们已经跟踪到了波兰一辆火车的货箱里。

    We 've tracked it to a freight yard in poland .

  7. 自卸车货箱后栏板翻转装置设计改进

    Improvement of Rear Board Turn-device Design in Mine Dump Truck

  8. 货箱上要标明保持干燥。

    Keep Dry @ should be marked on the boxes .

  9. 我们得在装运前将货箱钉牢。

    We have to nail up a crate before shipping .

  10. 货箱里全是陶器,而且大部分都碎了。

    The box was full of crockery , much of it broken .

  11. 经弗兰克恳求,古董商才勉强把货箱撬开了。

    Frank begged him to do so and the dealer reluctantly prised it open .

  12. 你公司如何保管空或载满的货箱,以及防止被未经授权人士访问?

    How does your company store empty and full containers to prevent unauthorized access ?

  13. 然后将货箱填满,因此总重量还是一样的。

    Then fill the case so that the gross weight will be the same .

  14. 通常小偷找开货箱窃取内装物的一部分。

    Generally , thieves open the case and take part of the contents out .

  15. 注意船上危险品货箱的安全积载管理

    Attention being paid to the safe stowage management of dangerous cargo containers on board ships

  16. D是否对装货区进行监控以防止未授权的物品装入货箱或货柜中?

    The Shipping Dock is supervised to prevent unauthorized materials from entering cartons or containers ?

  17. 他们把小行李箱、包裹、盒子以及诸如此类的东西装进汽车尾部的货箱。

    They loaded the suitcase , parcels , boxes and what-not into the boot of the car .

  18. 除了一柄式样别致、雕有花纹的匕首外,货箱内装满陶器,而且大部分都已破碎。

    Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger , the box was full of crockery , much of it broken .

  19. 很快的,我们就会被关在运往远东的装货箱里

    Next thing you know , we 're locked in a crate on our way to the far east .

  20. 对,到处都是行李箱,我被锁在装货箱里了,不是吧?

    Yeah , there were suitcase everywhere . I 'm locked up in a crate . Oh , come on .

  21. 出口货箱数/收获蕉串数的比值也增加,说明达到出口质量的香蕉更多。

    The ratio exportable boxes / harvested bunches , also increased indicating that more bananas of export quality were being harvested .

  22. 古董商告诉他那只货箱刚到不久,但他嫌麻烦不想把它打开。

    The dealer told him that he had just come in , but that he could not be bothered to open it .

  23. 劫匪没有说话,但狐狸侦探很快就从货箱里听到货车刚进入隧道。

    The bandits weren 't talking , but Slylock soon heard something from the cabin that suggested they had just entered a tunnel .

  24. 计算与试验结果的对比表明:等效载荷的简化模型是可行的,实际车架结构的应力计算也进一步支持了货箱-车架模拟试验的结论。

    The calculated stress values are quite coincident with the test results , which proves that the simplified model of equivalent load is practical .

  25. 一个高个子的人跳下车,打开货箱,快速走到每户的房前(放下东西),再回到车内。

    A tall man would step out , quickly open the trunk and dash up to each house before getting back in the car .

  26. 港口集疏运的速度快,则堆场的货箱周转就较迅速,堆场的利用率也就随之提高,所以港口的集疏运体系是港口完成吞吐量的有力保障,对港口功能的发挥起着至关重要的作用。

    Speed of the port collection and distribution system is faster , the containers turnover is more rapid and the utilization of the yard will improve .

  27. 本实用新型取消了传统连接结构中的垫木结构,并在保证车轮跳动空间的前提下,适度增加了货箱纵梁的高度。

    The container horizontal girders are welded with the connection plates which are riveted on the container longitudinal girders to form a mutual-cross plane netted structure .

  28. 家电产品的托盘货物单元采用多层堆码时,各层货箱的共振频率不同于单一货箱的。

    The resonance frequency of cargo boxes on each floor is difference with single cargo of box when household appliance pallet units are in multi-layer stacking .

  29. 新型自卸车货箱,属运输工具,尤其是陆路上的货物运输工具。

    The utility model relates to a novel cargo box of a dump truck , which belongs to a conveyance , particularly to a freightage conveyance for landway .

  30. 在自动化车库、海关货箱搬运的工程实践中,时常要对相对位置进行检测,并对相关区域进行监控。

    In the automated garage or the customs container handling engineering application , it is often wanted to detect the relative position as well as relevant regional monitoring .