
  • 网络FREIGHT FORWARDER;freight forwarders
  1. 货运代理公司发展之前景分析

    The Analysis for the Future of Freight Forwarder

  2. 瑞士理运是一家总部设于瑞士苏黎世的国际货运代理公司。

    Atlantic Forwarding is an international freight forwarder with its head office in Zurich , Switzerland .

  3. 京唐港H货运代理公司发展战略研究

    The Research on Development Strategic for H Freight Forwarding Company of Jing Tang Port

  4. 同时,加入WTO,意味着市场将进一步放开,竞争主体会迅速增多,竞争态势将更加激烈,货运代理公司的生存和发展又面临着严峻的威胁和挑战,何去何从呢?

    At the same time , join the WTO implys that the market of freight will be unloosened much more , the competitors will be manifold fleetly , and the rivalrousness will be more furious . The subsistence and development will face the austere menace and challenge .

  5. 你是说你是货运代理公司吗?

    Are you to say you are freight representative company ?

  6. 对国际货运代理公司承担承运人责任的几点思考外商投资国际货运代理企业审批办法

    Examination and Approval Measures for International Freight Forwarder Enterprise Invested by Foreign Businessman

  7. 货运代理公司的史密斯先生。

    Mr. Smith from cargo shipment agency .

  8. 我在国际货运代理公司挪威子公司高级职位的工作。

    I work for an international freight forwarding company and situate a senior position in their Norwegian daughter company .

  9. 我司是经国家批准的一级货运代理公司,从事海运,空运的进出口及其相关业务。

    Our company is a freight forwarder after the approval of the state * The work scope are ocean shipping and air transport business .

  10. 对宝供物流集团竞争优势与战略演进的分析目前,本系统的设计已经成功地应用于东方物流集团旗下某国际货运代理公司的现代货运代理系统的研发,所实现的系统运行良好。

    The analysis of competitive advantages and strategy revolution in Baogong group It means that the freight forwarding management system for certain company comes true .

  11. 市场定位不准确、服务产品缺乏特色、营销理念陈旧、管理模式落后的现状导致了许多传统意义上的进出口公司,货运代理公司的经营效益非常不乐观。

    Inaccurate market positioning , lack of service product characteristics 、 old concepts of business sales and outdated management patterns are the main causes of the current situation that many traditional import and export companies and freight forwarders fail to get satisfied business benefits .

  12. 但丹东天达国际货运代理有限公司(dandongtiandainternationalfreightandforwardingcompany)的富雪表示,车皮的归还几经拖延,但朝鲜曾请求中国方面予以批准。

    But Fu Xue , of the Dandong Tianda international freight and forwarding company , said there had been delays in the return of wagons but that North Korea had asked for permission from China .

  13. 广州鹰派国际货运代理有限公司是经中华人民共和国商务部批准的一级国际货运代理企业。

    Guangzhou Eagle Cargo Co. , LTD is a forwarder sanctified by the Business Department of P.R.C.

  14. 创优国际货运代理有限公司成立于2005年,是一家年轻并有创造力的中小型物流企业。

    Primero Shipping Co. , Ltd is a young and vigorous logistics company which established in2005 , concentrated in supply chain management and international logistics service .

  15. 为了使江西Y国际货运代理有限公司在复杂多变的国际的环境下更好的生存和壮大,为企业决策提供可参考性方案。

    In order to make the jiangxi Y international freight agency Co. , LTD. In the complex and volatile international environment better survival and growth , for enterprise decision provides reference solution .

  16. 在国内货运代理行业,锦程公司是应用加盟连锁进行企业发展的首位尝试者,并且取得良好的业绩,但也存在很多问题和困难。

    JC Trans is the first enterprise within the freight forwarder industry in China to undertake franchise operation , and has achieved great success .