
  1. 相比之下,美国货运航空公司FedexExpress在全球拥有逾661架飞机。

    That compares with more than 661 aircraft operated globally by US cargo airline Fedex Express .

  2. 执行此航线飞行任务的是上海国际货运航空有限公司。

    The implementation of this route is the mission of the Shanghai International Cargo Airlines Co.

  3. 与时俱进厚积薄发&中国国际货运航空有限公司成立

    Air China Cargo Co. Ltd. Established

  4. 在双方签署货运航空协议之前,韩国入股中国一家初创航空公司的计划也曾流产。

    The air cargo deal follows an earlier abortive bid for a stake in a start-up airline .

  5. 这家中国货运航空公司投入运营后不久,美国就决定对中国长城工业总公司及其子公司实施制裁。

    The Chinese cargo carrier began operations shortly before the US decided to impose sanctions on great wall and its subsidiaries .

  6. 银河国际货运航空有限公司(筹)将以天津滨海机场为基地,公司的经营范围包括国内和国际航空货邮运输;

    Located at Tianjin Binhai Airport as the base airport , Grandstar has business scope from domestic and international cargo and mail air transportation ;

  7. 此外,那些主要使用外国飞行员、承诺主要利用夜间时刻运营的货运航空公司和承运商,以及在中国贫穷的西部和东北部开辟航线的航空公司也将成为例外。

    Further exemptions will be made for freight airlines and carriers that use mostly foreign pilots , promise to fly at night , or which fly to impoverished regions in China 's west and north-east .

  8. 货运航空公司的主要风险是,由于贵重或紧急到必须走空运的货物相对较少,它们可能无法收回高昂的飞机运营成本。

    The key risk for air freight operators is that they will be unable to cover the high costs of operating their aircraft from the relatively small pool of cargo expensive or urgent enough to have to fly .

  9. 发改委指出,为减小通胀压力,铁路,市政交通,货运和航空的燃油附加费不会增加。

    To reduce inflationary pressure , the price of rail and urban public transport , freight , and the aviation fuel surcharge will not be increased , the NDRC said .

  10. 航空货运是国际航空运输的重要组成部分,其中承运人责任问题是国际航空法货运规则的核心部分。

    International air cargo transportation is an important part of international air transportation .

  11. 刍议我国航空货运物流发展航空货运出站物流派送的建模与优化研究

    Study on the Development of Avigation Cargo Logistics of China Modeling and Optimization on the Delivery Strategies for Outbound Air Cargo Logistics

  12. 货运和客运航空承运人,经营包机、期航班和非定期航班,以及湿租业务。这家航空公司只办理货运业务,没有客运服务。

    Cargo and passenger air carrier . Operates charters worldwide ; scheduled and non-scheduled flights ; wet lease ; provides customers with efficient , flexible , and reliable services . This aircraft company deals with freight only ; it has no passenger service .

  13. 在现有客户价值计算公式中加入了航班载运率的影响项,使之适合于航空货运业,为航空货运客户细分提供依据。

    The influence of flight load ratio on customer value was introduced into the existing customer value formulation to make it suitable for air cargo customer segmentation .

  14. 本文主要研究成果为:1、航空货运的发展现状分析2、物流管理的基本理论及我国货运航空公司向综合物流发展的迫切性。

    The analysis of the current situation of development of air freight . 2 . The basic theory of logistics management , and the urgency of China AirFreight Company developing into comprehensive logistics . 3 .