
  • 网络route network;airline network;hub-and-spoke networks
  1. 针对中国加入WTO后对航空运输的影响,分析中国民航存在的问题,提出尽快建设以上海为中枢系统的辐射航线网络布局模式。

    Focusing on the effects of aviation transport after China joined the WTO , Analyzing the existing problems of airlines in China , Expound to build Center system of the radiate airline network layout model in center of Shanghai .

  2. 基于离散双层规划的枢纽航线网络构建方法研究

    Study on Hub-and-spoke Airline Network Design Based on Decentralized Bi-level Programming

  3. 联昌国际证券(CIMBSecurities)航空分析师奥查德(AndrewOrchard)表示,中国航空公司将进入这一增长迅速的领域以拓宽收益渠道,但中期内这些新业务不一定会带来丰厚利润,因为航线网络的扩张需要启动成本。

    The Chinese airlines are ' going into this faster growing segment to broaden their earnings stream , but in the medium term these new businesses won 't necessarily be very profitable to them because of the startup costs attached with the network expansion , ' said Andrew Orchard , an aviation analyst at CIMB Securities

  4. 单枢纽机场选址与航线网络规划综合优化

    Integrated Optimization of One Hub-Airport Siting and Flight Route Network Planning

  5. 中枢辐射航线网络结构设计

    Study on Design of Hub - & - Spoke Route Network

  6. 航线网络经济性的探讨

    Probe to the Airlines ' Network Economics of the Hub-and-Spoke System

  7. 基于多目标遗传算法的枢纽航线网络的鲁棒优化方法

    Robust Optimization of Hub-and-Spoke Airline Network Design Based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm

  8. 中国国际航空股份有限公司航线网络研究

    Study of Air China Limited Network System ; International Airline Navigators Council

  9. 扬长避短逆境突围&地方航空公司在中枢航线网络建设中的发展对策

    China 's Local Airlines Strategies in Hub-Spoke Network Construction

  10. 航线网络的经济性研究及其应用

    Research on Economy of Airline - network and Application

  11. 给出一种枢纽航线网络设计的新方法。

    A new method is put forward to design hub and spoke network .

  12. 欧洲大型航空公司航线网络演变历程

    Development Course of European Major Airlines ' Route Network

  13. 全连通航线网络和枢纽航线网络的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Fully-Connected and Hub-and-Spoke Airline Networks

  14. 枢纽航线网络的构建方法及应用

    Design and Application of Hub and Spoke Network

  15. 我国原油进口航线网络的优化

    Optimization of Chinese crude oil import route network

  16. 中国民航国际航线网络的现状及存在的问题

    The Present Situation and Problem of International Airway Network of China 's Civil Aviation

  17. 地区和国际航线网络与国内支干线航班有机结合。

    The regional and international combo network is integrated with domestic trunk and feeder lines .

  18. 需求不确定的枢纽辐射式航线网络设计

    Hub-and-spoke airline network design with uncertainty demand

  19. 利用所提方法构建了中国15城市的枢纽航线网络。

    The hub and spoke network of China 's fifteen cities is constructed using the method .

  20. 主要措施有强化机场功能,增强基地航空公司实力,增加运力,完善航线网络,与其他交通方式协调配合等。

    Strengthening airport capacity , enhancing transport ability , and improving airline network are major measures .

  21. 美国航线网络结构的演变历程及发展趋势

    Analysis of US Airline Network Structure

  22. 航空公司联盟后,通常航线网络能得到有效扩展,从而使幅员扩大。

    After airlines allied , the traffic routes network enlarged , and so the size increased .

  23. 航空公司航线网络设计的一种三阶段方法

    Three-Stage Method for Airline Network Design

  24. 奥地利航空公司一直积极开拓,不断将一些不为人知的新目的地纳入自己的航线网络中。

    Austrian is often a pioneer , in including new , yet unknown destinations in the route network .

  25. 根据小时贡献率,建立了一个航线网络贡献最大的模型,并给出了求解方法。

    A mathematical model of optimal flights arrangement and its solution based on the concept of contribution are established .

  26. 随着我国民航业的快速发展,航线网络已经初步形成。

    With the fast development of civil aviation industry of China , the airline network has already taken shape .

  27. 南非航空公司在25个国家的31座城市航线网络中,每年搭载700多万名乘客。

    SAA carries more than 7 million passengers per year on its route network serving 31 cities in 25 countries .

  28. 本文以客观的立场,根据市场营运环境的不同,分析不同航线网络下的超巴拿马型集装箱船的经济性。

    This paper analyzes the economic viability of post-panamax container ships in different routes networks objectively under different market environments .

  29. 本文就是基于这种理念,对蛛网式客运航线网络的内涵和网络特性进行分析与研究。

    This paper is based on this concept , right cobwebs passenger route network content and network performance analysis and research .

  30. 由此得出中枢航线网络每年可为国内航空客运节约至少几十亿元运营费用的结论。

    The paper finally concludes that the hub-and-spoke airline network can decrease billions of yuan for China in the transportation cost .