
  • 网络Aviation History;History of aviation
  1. 另一项发明为RobertFulton在航空史上赢得一个特殊位置。

    Another invention earned Robert Fulton a special place in aviation history .

  2. 在这段时间云杉航空史上是比铝或钢便宜。

    During this time in aviation history spruce was cheaper than aluminum or steel .

  3. 事实上,一年前一架B-2轰炸机创造了战斗机航空史的记录,执行了迄今为止最长不降落的远程轰炸任务,从密苏里到阿富汗,最终降落在迪戈加西亚,飞行时间超过44个小时。

    In fact , a year ago a B-2 set a combat aviation record , flying the longest non-stop bombing mission ever from Missouri to Afghanistan before eventually landing in Diego Garcia after more than 44 hours . MCINTYRE

  4. 该报告还表示,过去的一年无疑是近十年来航空史上最黑暗的一年:马航MH370(失踪)、MH17(被击落),以及亚航QZ8501(失联)都是航空史上最悲惨的空难。

    The report follows the worst year for fatal air accidents over the last decade , with AirlineRatings.com mentioning the Malaysian Airlines Flights MH370 and MH17 , in addition to the AirAsia Flight QZ8501 , as the industry 's worst incidents .

  5. 是美国航空史上最糟糕的一次事故

    The worst accident in the history of American space program

  6. 这起案子还处于调查中并且是美国航空史上唯一的悬案。

    The case remains open and is the only unsolved crime in US aviation history .

  7. 组织者称这是人类太阳能航空史上飞行最长最高的纪录。

    It was also the longest and highest flight in the history of solar aviation , organizers said .

  8. 从空难死亡人数上看,7月已经成为航空史上第五危险的月份。

    It also makes July the fifth worst month in aviation history in terms of aviation disaster fatalities .

  9. 此次失联是航空史上最神秘的事件之一,它开启了有史以来最大规模的搜寻工作。

    The incident is among the greatest mysteries in aviation history and has prompted the largest ever search effort .

  10. 她是航空史拥有最多飞行记录的飞行员,不论是飞行速度、距离还是飞行高度,不论男人还是女人。

    She held more flying records for speed , distance and height than any other man or woman in aviation history .

  11. 作为第一个直接飞越大西洋的妇女,阿米莉亚.埃哈特在航空史上曾名噪一时。

    Amelia Erhardt made her mark on aviation history by being the first woman to fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean .

  12. 这架马来西亚航班客机的失踪是现代航空史上最令人不解的神秘事件之一。

    The disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines plane is one of the most baffling mysteries in the history of modern aviation .

  13. 此系列对军事模型制造商,遥控模型制造商,航空史爱好者来说是一个有很高价值的参考资料。

    The Combat Aircraft series provides a valuable resource for military model makers , remote control model makers and aviation history enthusiasts .

  14. 下面10个航空史上致命的案例可以说明,成为第一的行动如何沦落到第二位。

    To illustrate how being No. 1 can turn into No. 2 , here are 10 fatal firsts in the history of aviation .

  15. 在航空史上,这样不可能的事一再发生。生命是真真实实的,不能擦拭掉再重来!

    Time and time again in the history of aviation ," the impossible " has been done . Life is reality without an eraser !

  16. 这架客机于2014年3月8日失踪,机上载有239人。它的失踪推动了航空史上规模最大、金额最高的搜寻活动。

    The disappearance on March 8 2014 of the aircraft with 239 people on board has prompted the largest and most expensive search effort in aviation history .

  17. 活动涉及全国八大部委、30个省市、自治区和直辖市,层次之高、影响面之广是中国航空史上空前的。

    The activity involves eight major ministries and commissions of the whole country , 30 municipalities directly under the Central Government of provinces , cities and autonomous regions ;

  18. 埃尔哈特是美国航空史上最伟大的女飞行员之一。一九三七年,四十岁的她挑战独自环游世界飞行时,在太平洋上空人间蒸发。

    Earhart , one of the greatest female pilots in the history of US aviation , vanished into thin air over the Pacific in1937 at the age of40 while attempting a solo flight around the world .

  19. 其中不少成员的大名都书写在海军航空史上,包括第一次世界大战中著名的“百万富翁支队”。飞史密斯不仅掌管着俱乐部,还在纽黑文经营了一家小型飞机租赁公司。

    its alumni had populated naval aviation history , including the famous " millionaires ' unit " in World War I. Smith took care of the club 's business and ran a small air-charter operation in New Haven .

  20. 澳大利亚政府周一表示,该国政府对找到这架失联航班仍保持谨慎乐观,并驳斥了媒体关于已经开始讨论是否取消此次搜寻行动的报道。该搜寻行动是航空史上成本最高、最复杂的。

    Canberra said on Monday it remained cautiously optimistic about finding the missing aircraft and rejected media reports that discussions had already begun on whether to call off the search & the most expensive and complex in airline history .

  21. 这架波音777飞机上共有227名乘客和12名机组成员。随后,航空史上最昂贵的搜救行动,花费大概1.3亿至1.6亿美元,但是一无所获。

    A total of 227 passengers and 12 crew members were aboard the Boeing 777 , and the most expensive search operation in aviation history ( $ 130-160 million ) failed to turn up any evidence of the large aircraft .

  22. 作为航空史上最大并购案之一,总部设于芝加哥的美国联合航空公司和总部设在休斯顿的美国大陆航空于2010年合并,成为世界上最大的航空公司之一。合并后的新航空公司拥有超过1260架飞机,服务全球370个目的地。

    No. 8 United / Continental One of the largest mergers in aviation history , Chicago-based United and Houston-based Continental came together in 2010 to form one of the world 's largest airlines - more than 1260 aircraft serving 370 destinations .

  23. 该机构在一份声明中表示,今年将开建11个重要基建项目、52个升级扩容项目。同时,中国民用航空史上最大的建设项目,即北京的第二国际机场,进展也一切顺利。

    Eleven key infrastructure projects and 52 upgrades or expansion work on civil aviation facilities will be started this year , the administration said in a statement . It said work on Beijing 's second international airport , the largest construction project in Chinese civil aviation history , is progressing well .

  24. 美国联合航空公司世界第二大航空公司宣布航空史上最大的破产案。

    United airlines , the world 's second-largest airline , filed the biggest bankruptcy in aviation history .

  25. 本文系统回顾了航空发动机的百年发展,可供航空史研究参考。

    This paper reviews a century of aero-engine development , which can be regarded as a reference to aviation history study .

  26. 巴黎航空展上,空中巴士公司签署了航空史上迄今为止数量最大的单笔订单。

    Airbus piled up the orders at the Paris Air Show as it confirmed the largest single order of aircraft in aviation history .

  27. 3月,马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)370航班失联,触发了近年航空史上最昂贵的搜索行动。370航班至今仍然杳无踪迹。

    In March , Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared and the most expensive search mission in recent aviation history followed .