
  • 网络area air defense;EAAD;THAAD
  1. 基于SD的区域防空作战模型与模拟研究

    Research on the Model and Simulation of Area Air Defense Based on SD

  2. 区域防空兵力需求优化模型研究

    Optimization model of military strength requirement of area air defense

  3. 舰艇编队舰空导弹区域防空作战框架

    Combat Frame of Area Air Defence for Ship to Air Missile

  4. 基于遗传算法的区域防空部署优化研究

    Optimization of the Regional Air Defense Disposition Based on Genetic Algorithms

  5. 区域防空联合预警体系探测效能分析

    Analysis on Detecting Efficiency of Joint Early-warning System for Area Air-defence

  6. 重点区域防空指挥自动化系统分析与研究

    Analysis for Air Defense Automatic Command Systems of Important Area

  7. 区域防空攻防对抗仿真中高炮仿真模块探讨

    Discussing antiaircraft gun emulation module in attack defence-oppose-emulation for regional air defence

  8. 区域防空多传感器管理体系结构与功能模块研究

    Research on multi-sensor management architecture and function module in area air defense

  9. 区域防空反导预警系统

    Research on Early-Warning System of Region Aerial Defense Anti-Missile

  10. 区域防空网络化作战体系结构研究

    Research on network-centric warfare architecture of zone air defence

  11. 区域防空作战武器装备需求模型研究

    Research on Equipment Demand Model of Territorial Air-defense Forces

  12. 实施大区域防空应重视末端防御

    Terminal Defense Should be Emphasized in Implementation of the Large Area Air Defense

  13. 区域防空部署射击效能评估模型

    Fire Effectiveness Evaluation Model for Area Air Defence Disposition

  14. 大区域防空作战条件下防空兵作战方案的优选

    Optimum select of lines of operation in the large area air defence operation

  15. 区域防空预警网传感器管理结构与方法研究

    Research on sensor Management Architecture and Method in Area Air Defense Early-warning Meshwork

  16. 该型系统无疑是中国区域防空导弹中最为落后的一个,但也最为著名。

    The system is undoubtedly the least capable Chinese area-defense SAM but remains prominent .

  17. 区域防空网络化作战系统中战术数据链应用

    Research on Application of Tactical Data Link in Network-centric Engagement System of Area Air-defence

  18. 大区域防空的进化群决策机制研究

    Analysis of the evolutionary group ′ s decision-making mechanism for the large area air defence

  19. 区域防空组网雷达对跟踪目标交接班模型研究

    Research of the Tracking Target Mission Shifting Model of Netted Radar in a Theater Air Defense

  20. 基于混合判断矩阵优选大区域防空作战方案

    Optimum select of lines of operation in the large area air defense based on hybrid judgment matrix

  21. 为区域防空决策者有重点的部署防空兵力量提供相应依据。

    Its result provides a relevant gist for the area defense decision-maker to deploy the anti-air forces .

  22. 区域防空网络化作战是未来防空作战的发展趋势。

    Zone air defence network-centric warfare ( NCW ) is the tendency of air defence warfare in future .

  23. 区域防空作战重点保卫目标的模糊优选与排序

    Selecting and Sequencing of the Important Targets Defended on the Area Defence Air Warfare Based on Fuzzy Principle

  24. 此项研究对于区域防空网络化作战体系的优化分析和规划具有一定的指导意义。

    The research is very meaningful to optimization analysis and planning for the architecture of zone air defence NCW .

  25. 基于神经网络的大区域防空信息进攻作战效能评估

    Research on the efficiency evaluation of the large area air defense information attack maneuver based on the neural network

  26. 将为构建适合区域防空网络化作战的战术数据链提供一定的参考依据。

    These works will provide some of references to constructing a tactical data link which adapting to network-centric engagement of area air-defence .

  27. 从建立重点区域防空指挥自动化系统的必要性出发,分析了目前重点区域防空系统的现状。

    Form the necessity for establishing automatic command systems of important area , the status quo of important area air defense is analyzed .

  28. 并以相关抗击率以及安全率表征总体效能指标,较好地解决了对大区域防空作战效能的评估问题。

    And using correlational oppugn rate and safety rate denotes overall efficiency indexes , it preferably sole the evaluation problem of large area air-defence .

  29. 大区域防空所涉及的区域广阔,因素众多,其作战计划的制定比较复杂。

    It is very complicated to make a plan for the large area air defense because of the large area and numerous complications concerning it .

  30. 建立了大区域防空信息进攻作战效能评估的指标体系。

    Generic methods are hard to settle the problem of the efficiency evaluation of large area air defense information attack because of the subjective index set .