
  • 网络Regional restrictions;territorial restriction;regional lockout;sectorise
  1. 做强做大中心城市,增强辐射力,建立都市联盟,突破行政区域限制,以加快区域经济一体化步伐。

    Make strong the regional key city and enhancement its radiating , set up city alliance , break through administrative territorial restriction , in order to accelerate the paces of integration of regional economics .

  2. Internet的发展和宽带业务的增长,使企业、政府利用Internet这个公用平台不受区域限制地建立自己的私有网络成为可能。

    The rapid expansion of Internet and broadband businesses has made possible the use of Internet , which is open and public , to build VPN for enterprises and government .

  3. 他估计全球有大约2000万消费者在使用VPN或类似服务,以便获取300余种受区域限制的频道。

    Globally , he figures , perhaps 20 million consumers use VPNs and similar services to reach more than 300 channels that are geographically blocked in some way .

  4. 为解决传统分散型呼叫中心传输速率慢、建设周期长、区域限制等缺点,本文提出基于NGN网络的集中式呼叫中心平台系统。

    In order to resolve the disadvantages like low transmission speed , long building period , region limited of traditional dispersive type call center , this paper puts forward centralization call center platform system basing on NGN net .

  5. 计算可靠性时,将Monte-Carlo的抽样区域限制在n维欧氏空间β球外部,缩小了抽样范围,从而大大提高了结构可靠性的计算效率,并给出一算例。

    The sampling domain of Monte-Carlo is restricted to the points outside the n-dimensional β - sphere to calculate structural reliability , which has reduced sampling domain and cut down computational time greatly which is shown by an example .

  6. 为解决数值DP中维数灾问题,提出了搜索区域限制算法,并利用MATLAB/RTW将系统模型转换成实时仿真代码以进一步提高计算效率。

    To overcome the curse of dimensionality of numerical DP , an algorithm of restricting the exploring region was proposed which largely reduces the computational complexity . The system model is converted into real-time simulation code by using MATLAB / RTW to improve the computation efficiency .

  7. 塔机监控系统的工作区域限制逻辑算法

    Working field restraint logic algorithm of tower crane control system

  8. 该操作无法在滚动区域限制之外完成。

    This operation cannot be completed outside the bounds of the scroll area .

  9. 塔机防碰撞及工作区域限制技术

    Tower crane anticollision & working area limitation technology

  10. 这可能导致意外的附加内存使用,导致内存使用超出内存区域限制。

    This can result in unexpected additional memory usage , causing memory-area limits to be exceeded .

  11. 先验区域限制水平集在特定区域迭代,先验形状使曲线向理想轮廓演化。

    The prior region constrains the zero level set evolving in certain region and the prior shape pulls the curve to the ideal contour .

  12. 分析了区域限制与民间借贷的效益及风险度问题提出了按照审慎监管原则确定民间借贷区域范围的看法。

    The analysis of regional restrictions and borrowing benefit and risk problem put forward according to the principle of prudent supervision determine borrowing area view .

  13. 业主取得技术文件及本工程其他成果用于任何目的的专有权,无活动区域限制。

    The customer acquires the exclusive rights of technical documentation and other results of the works for any purposes without restriction about territory of activity .

  14. 20世纪80年,黑客们有种叫“战争拨号”的技术,它通过调制解调器,循环搜索数据,不受区域限制的找到互联网中无保护的电脑。

    In the 1980s , hackers used a technique called " wardialing , " cycling through numbers with their modems to find unprotected computers faracross the Internet .

  15. 集结待运区域限制及进度安排要求,大部分的路旁设备须在工厂完全建造、测试和为现场终端做好准备。

    Staging area restrictions and scheduling concerns require that most wayside equipment will be completely constructed , tested , and readied for field terminations in the factory .

  16. 这种研究方法的优点在于能够通过突破时间限制来细分时尚风格,以及通过突破区域限制分析本土时尚风格。

    The advantage of this approach is breaking through time limit and regional restrictions , so that the fashion styles can be drawn from various time period and districts . 4 .

  17. 成像过程中将沿垂直于发射接收剖面方向的成像区域限制在一定范围并假设电导率在该方向不变。

    The imaging domain in the direction perpendicular to the transmitter-receiver profile is restricted to a certain range and the conductivities are supposed to be constant in the direction during the imaging .

  18. 然而,机遇与挑战总是并存的,特别是全球化经济环境下市场的开放性决定竞争的对象已经跨越了传统的区域限制,更多的是一种国际化的竞争。

    However , the opportunities and challenges always coexist , especially the open market in a globalized economic environment determining competitive object has crossed the traditional regional restrictions , is an international competition .

  19. 第二章:在分析特许经营中限制竞争行为特殊性的基础上,对特许经营中搭售行为、维持转售价格、区域限制、回授条款等几类典型的限制竞争行为进行具体分析。

    The Second Chapter : on the basis of analyzing particularity of behaviors of restricting competition in franchise , making a concrete analysis of several typical ones like tied selling , resale price maintenance and regional restrictions .

  20. 抓住西部大开发机遇,打破行政区域限制,培养龙头企业,整合这一地区茶业,对发展中国大茶业具有重要意义。

    Seizing the opportunity of the large-scale development of Western china , and breaking the restriction of administrative area , foster tap enterprises and combine tea industry of this area , which is significant to develop China large-scale tea industry .

  21. 当达到配置的存储区域大小限制时,使用Full。

    Full is used when a configured storage area size limit is reached .

  22. 目前PMD只能一次检查一个源码文件,这就对它的规则作用区域有所限制。

    Currently PMD examines one source file at a time , which limits the scope of its rules .

  23. 对这些缺失变种在DNA上缺失的区域进行限制图分析,确定了转座子Tn233(CH)中转座基因的位置。

    Then the deletions were mapped by restriction endonucleases analysis . Thus , the location of transposition genes of Tn233 ( CH ) was verified .

  24. 在简要阐述压缩机喘振区域及限制流量防喘振控制算法的基础上,着重介绍了单回路可编程调节器(SLPC)在多级离心式压缩机防喘振控制系统中的应用及其取得的效果。

    On the basis of brief description of surge area of compressor and flow limited anti-surge control algorithm , the application of single loop programmable controller ( SLPC ) in anti-surge control system for multiple stages centrifugal compressor and the applicable effects are emphasized .

  25. 湖南省区域开发限制性因素与克服途径

    Restrictive factors in regional development of Hunan Province and their reduction

  26. 你必须清楚商标受区域的限制。

    You must notice that trademarks are limited by region .

  27. 对进入钢瓶储存区域加以限制。

    Restrict access to cylinder storage areas .

  28. 这个区域是限制进入的。

    This area 's off limits .

  29. 道路或区域通行限制在日常交通和部队兵力机动过程中普遍存在。

    Traffic restriction on roads or in some areas is ubiquitous in daily transit and the troop march .

  30. 州的权力机关可以在多大程度上通过沿海区域规划限制外大陆架的石油开发也不明确。

    The extent of state authority to restrict OCS oil development through coastal zone planning is also unclear .