
  • 网络gas flow
  1. 通过洗炉、稳定煤气流措施使风口频繁烧损现象消除。

    According to flushing furnace , stabilized BF Gas flow , phenomena of tuyeres damaged were removed .

  2. 模型计算结果表明,不考虑煤气流影响时,高炉内熔融物的总滞留量主要由静态滞留量hs决定。

    The model calculating results show hs is the determinant of the total holdup of molten materials in the absence of gas flow . The most important factor affecting hs is the size of coke particles in the blast furnace .

  3. BP算法在高炉煤气流分布模式识别中的应用

    Application of Clustering-Match Method and BP Algorithm in the Pattern Recognition of Gas Fluid Distribution in Blast Furnace

  4. 本文根据廊坊市冶炼厂20年的生产实践,对合理的CO2曲线和其与炉型的关系以及原料、操作对煤气流分布的影响进行了讨论。

    The rational CO_2 curve in ferro-manganese blast furnace and its relation with the furnace pattern as well as the effect of raw materials and operations on distribution of gas flow is discussed based on experience of twenty years practice at Langfang Smelter .

  5. 大型高炉煤气流分布的研究

    An investigation of gas flow distribution in large blast furnace

  6. 高炉软熔带的形成及其对煤气流分布的影响

    Formation of cohesive zone in blast furnace and its influence on gas flow

  7. 高炉炉身煤气流运动的研究

    Investigation of gas - flow in the furnace shaft

  8. 论锰铁高炉煤气流的合理分布

    Reasonable distribution of gas-flow in ferromanganese blast furnace

  9. 高炉煤气流分布模式识别与布料操作指导专家系统

    Pattern Recognition of Gas Fluid Distribution and Expert System for Charging Operation in Blast Furnace

  10. 高炉布料对煤气流温度分布影响的研究

    A study on variation of temperature distribution of gas flow with burden distribution in blast furnace

  11. 简述了采用新技术后煤气流分布的趋向。

    The trend in gas flow distribution caused by using new technics are also simply discussed .

  12. 炉料分布是影响高炉内煤气流分布的决定性因素之一。

    Burden distribution is one of the key factors affecting the gas distribution in the blast furnace .

  13. 布料矩阵调节是高炉控制径向煤气流分布的一种有效手段。

    Adjustment of burden distribution matrix is an effective way to control radial distribution of gas flow in blast furnace .

  14. 核心问题是要不断地改善炉料的透气性和控制煤气流的分布。

    The main problem is to improve the permeability of the burden and to control the distribution of the gas flow continuously .

  15. 在料堆的顶部会形成主要由小块料、粉料组成的炉料堆尖,炉料堆尖对高炉煤气流有很强的阻滞作用。

    The pile top which mainly consists of fine burden can be formed when the burden is sent into BF top charge container .

  16. 模型研究的结果对炉墙结厚所引起的高炉上热下凉现象作出了解释,为制定合理的操作制度,消除结厚,纠正煤气流分布失常提供了理论依据。

    The results obtained from the models study have given a reasonable explanation for the " Hot-upper and Cool-lower " phenomenon caused by scaffolds .

  17. 锰铁高炉焦炭负荷轻,料柱透气性好,缺乏调节煤气流分布和控制布料的有效方法。

    There is no effective method for controlling gas current and distribution due to the light-load of coke and good ventilation of charging column in ferro-manganese furnace .

  18. 合理的操作炉型与生产条件和冶炼制度相对应,并且按照高炉冶炼原理与煤气流运动分布规律相匹配。

    Reasonable operational furnace profiles should correspond and match to the manufacture conditions and smelting system according to the blast furnace smelting principle and gas flow distribution law .

  19. 高炉操作也主要是围绕获得合理、适宜的煤气流分布来进行的,另一方面,煤气流分布也是高炉操作者判断炉况的重要依据。

    It is considered that it can make blast furnace gas flow distribution more reasonable , eliminate sudden hanging and frequent slip and raise all technical indexes of furnace .

  20. 同时,辅之以上部调节,使煤气流分布沿高炉高度及其截面继续保持合理。

    Process regulation in the upper part of the furnace is also necessary , to ensure correct gas flow distribution along the height and across the section of the furnace .

  21. 提高煤粉燃烧率、维持适宜的理论燃烧温度、保证煤气流的合理分布是提高喷煤比的关键。

    To improve flowing rate , the key problems were improving the buring rate of coal powder , maintaining the suitable theoretical burning temperature , ensuring the reasonable distribution of gas flow .

  22. 随着煤气流床气化技术的发展,为三高煤洁净利用提供了机遇。

    The update of entrained flow gasification technology has provided opportunities for the " tri-high " coal clean utilization . But one obvious problem has restricted its use as high ash melting point .

  23. 实验证明:该方法能有效反映高炉煤气流分布状态,有利于指导高炉的布料操作。

    The experiments show that the method proposed in this paper can achieve the distribution status of the gas flow accurately , so that it provides an efficient way to guide burden operation .

  24. 其次,对高炉中心和边缘煤气流发展水平进行提取,采用模糊C-均值聚类方法对高炉煤气流分布模式进行识别。

    Secondly , the gas flow developing level in the central and peripheral regions of upper BF is extracted , in order to employ fuzzy C-means clustering to recognize distribution pattern of gas flow .

  25. 高炉喷煤后,炉内的煤气流分布和热流比均发生变化,高炉必须采取与之相对应的调剂措施,才能维持高炉的稳定顺行;

    After injection coal , the distribution of gas flow and ratio of heat flows inside the blast furnace will change . Some measures should be taken to ensure the stability of the furnace .

  26. 软熔带的形状与位置是高炉上、下部调剂的综合体现,是决定高炉煤气流稳定运行的关键。

    The forming and position of molten zone is not only the general embodiment of adjusting the upper and the under parts of the BF , but also key factor of deciding the gas flow .

  27. 高炉炉顶的炉料分布是影响炉内煤气流分布、矿石还原、炉料&气体热交换、燃料比和高炉寿命的重要因素。

    Burden distribution of blast furnace top is the main factors which influence the gas flow distribution , ore reduction , heat exchange between burden and gas flow , fuel ratio and blast furnace campaign life .

  28. 二是积极探讨合理的操作制度,稳定煤气流,优化操作管理,在2004年平均利用系数达到3.54t/m3·d。

    The other is trying to find the rational operation regulation , adjusting stable coal gas distribution , optimizing operation management . So productive ratio of 3.54 t / m3 ? d is reached in 2004 .

  29. 有必要把溜槽布料档位分为外侧、中间与中心,在外侧动作溜槽倾角来调节煤气流效果比在中心好得多

    It is necessary to divide the position of the ring into three areas : peripheral , middle and center The adjustment of gas distribution by regulating chute angles in peripheral area is much effective than that at center

  30. 本文在分析传统的高炉专家系统研究思路的基础上提出了一种获得合理煤气流的新方法,即通过寻找与输入的理想生产技术指标相匹配的操作制度,从而实现对煤气流的优化调节。

    This paper put forward a new method to get the most optimize gas-flow model by analyzing the traditional idea on expert system , that is , finding the operation system matching with the input ideal producing technique index .