
zhā kǒu
  • slag hole;cinder notch;monkey;floss hole
渣口 [zhā kǒu]
  • (1) [cinder notch]∶高炉(或鼓风炉)上能使熔融炉渣流出的一个开口,位于熔融金属排放口上

  • (2) [floss hole]∶冶金炉背后的排渣孔

渣口[zhā kǒu]
  1. 建议高炉推广无渣口冶炼的工艺流程。

    It was suggested that the technical process of ironmaking without slag hole in BF should be extended .

  2. 冲天炉出渣口成型砖按压或挤压型制砖机

    Brick making machine of the press or extrusion type

  3. 不会的。熔渣比钢水轻,所以,它浮在钢水上,并由较高的出渣口放出。

    No. The slag is lighter than the steel , so that it floats on top and is tapped off at a higher level .

  4. (熔炉等内的)熔渣,渣块,煤渣.高炉熔渣从渣口放出,顺着流渣沟流进渣罐,或流入渣?

    The slag from the furnace is tapped from the slag notch , and it flows through runner into slag ladles or slag yard .

  5. 主要包括进渣口管板处的温度场分析和热应力计算以及冷渣机主筒的热结构分析。

    Including the temperature field and thermal stress calculation of tube plate at the slag entrance and the Analysis of the thermal structure of the main tube structure .