
zhā zi
  • scum;dregs;residue;ground;sediment;scrap;crud;flotsam and jetsam
渣滓 [zhā zǐ]
  • (1) [dregs; flotsam and jetsam]

  • (2) 精选提炼后的残渣

  • (3) 比喻对社会有危害的不法分子

渣滓[zhā zi]
  1. 他把和他政见相左的人看作是社会渣滓。

    He sees dissidents as the dregs of society .

  2. 渣滓沉淀在容器的底部。

    Dregs settled at the bottom of the container .

  3. 对这样的渣滓你没必要同情。

    Don 't waste your sympathy on scum like that .

  4. 毒品贩子是社会渣滓。

    Drug dealers are the scum of the earth .

  5. 现代新加坡的缔造者李光耀在80年代曾预测,澳大利亚人注定是“亚洲贫困的白人渣滓”(thepoorwhitetrashofAsia),他的话似乎有根据。

    And when the founder of modern Singapore , Lee Kuan Yew , forecast in the1980s that Australians were destined to become " the poor white trash of Asia ", he seemed to know what he was talking about .

  6. 几天之内把肥皂残留渣滓,?菌及发霉的痕迹清洁乾净。

    Cleans soap scum , mold and mildew stains in days .

  7. 我们需要圣洁的火来烧尽渣滓。

    We need the sacred fire to consume the dross .

  8. 就怕这底下是渣滓。

    I am afraid it has dregs under the coal .

  9. 渣滓沉淀,咖啡变得清澈了。

    The dregs settled to the bottom and the coffee was clear .

  10. 域名之前被惩罚过,或许是已经是一个渣滓站点。

    Domains previously used for spam or that are blacklisted .

  11. 他父亲讨厌他跟像他们那样的社会渣滓一起旅行。

    His father hated him traveling with trash like them .

  12. 祂注意我们所不留意的渣滓

    And He watched the dross that we had not seen

  13. 这是正义的审判,渣滓!

    This is the judgment of the righteous , scum !

  14. 这些在橄榄球赛上殴斗的社会渣滓必须严处。

    These scum who fight at football matches must beseverely dealt with .

  15. 雨水也能渗透穿过这些渣滓,特别是当这些烟灰暂时被存放的时候。

    Rainwater can percolate through the ash when it 's improperly stored .

  16. 你不能摆布幽灵!你这个渣滓!

    You cannot push spirits around ! You are scum !

  17. 经过一次或者多次的换网,能够更好地去除渣滓;

    One and more times net-changing operation can absolutely clear the dreg .

  18. 例如,乱丢渣滓是不被允许的。

    For example , dropping litter is almost never allowed .

  19. 渣滓沉淀下来,液体变清了。

    The dregs settled and the liquid became clear .

  20. 干掉街上的渣滓,因为你太慢了。

    Get the scum of the streets , because you 're too slow .

  21. 渣滓沉淀;咖啡变清。

    The grounds settled and the coffee was clear .

  22. 比了这种聪明,才学不过是沉淀渣滓。

    Compared to that kind of intelligence , talent and scholarship are sediments .

  23. 我们应当处决并消灭这种不折不扣的魔鬼,人类的渣滓。

    We should execute and destroy such veritable fiends and dregs of humanity .

  24. 就是寻找像那样的渣滓?

    I looked out for scum like that ?

  25. 他们试图清除金属熔化时浮升表面的渣滓。

    They tried to purge metal of dross .

  26. 你的银子,变为渣滓,你的酒,用水搀对。

    Your silver has become dross , your choice wine is diluted with water .

  27. 除了海伦娜,一切都是渣滓

    And all is dross that is not Helena

  28. 45[和合]你使我们在万民中成为35污秽和渣滓。

    [ NIV ] You have made us scum and refuse among the nations .

  29. 渣滓例句跳蚤还会在此人身上排便,因为它们就是以人血为食的。

    The fleas will defecate on the person as it feeds on their blood .

  30. 难道不觉得我们的有些部门该清理一下渣滓了吗?

    Did not you think that some of our departments should clean social residue ?