
  • 网络consistency;density;packing factor;Compactness
  1. 提高表面膜的致密度,是降低氧化反应的根本措施。

    Increasing the consistency of surface film is the basic measure of decreasing oxidation reaction .

  2. 由我公司电镀的产品镀层结合力强,均匀度好,致密度高。

    The elec-troplating layer of the products electroplated by our company is has strong combination , fine nui-formity and high consistency .

  3. 随前驱液pH值增加,涂层开裂趋势减弱,结晶趋势增强,致密度有所提高。

    And the crystallinity and density of the coatings have been improved correspondingly .

  4. 高强、低致密度Ni3Al/HAP生物陶瓷复合材料的制备与性能研究

    Study on Preparation and Properties of Ni_3Al / HAP Bioceramics Composite

  5. 随着SiC含量增加,致密度提高。

    The density increased as the amount of SiC increased .

  6. 激光能量密度对纳米Al2O3/PS复合材料致密度和显微结构的影响

    Effects of Laser Energy Density on Densities and Microstructures of Nano-Al_2O_3 / PS Composites

  7. Mg在540℃烧结温度下具有良好的流动性,填充在Ti颗粒之间及孔洞中,使烧结体具有较高的致密度。

    Mg fills between Ti grains and pores , which is good at fluidity at 540 C.

  8. 利用SEM和全自动孔隙率分析仪,对砂浆水化产物的微观结构及其致密度进行分析。

    In the experiments , we discussed the hydrate and micro-structure by SEM and porosity analysis .

  9. SiO2的存在明显的降低体系的致密度和电性能。

    The existence of SiO2 reduced the system densification and conductivity obviously .

  10. 利用线性收缩率、致密度以及晶粒度等参数探讨YAG烧结体烧结性能。

    And the sintering performance is studied by the linear shrinkage , density and grain size .

  11. 低电压电磁压制PZT粉末致密度的试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Density of PZT Powder by Low-voltage Electromagnetic Compaction

  12. 随压力增大,粉芯的致密度、μr、Bm上升,Hc值下降;

    With the increase of formed pressure ,μ r-value and Bm increase , Hc decrease ;

  13. P元素亦能充当稀释剂而降低熔体粘度及表面张力,从而改善烧结致密度及组织均匀性;

    Element P can also act as a fluxing agent to decrease the surface tension and viscosity of the melt , thereby improve the sintered densification and the microstructural homogeneity .

  14. 热压烧结可以大大提高SiC/Cu–Al复合材料的致密度,最高达到理论密度的99.9%。

    The density of SiC / Cu – Al composites prepared by hot pressing can be improved and reach 99.9 % of theoretical density .

  15. 冷等静压成型得到的YAG烧结体致密度大于于压成型。

    Also the density of YAG ceramic obtained at the cold isostatic pressing is higher than that using dry pressing .

  16. 选择性激光熔化技术(selectivelasermelting)是一种新型的快速成型技术,其成形工艺简单,可直接制成终端高致密度金属产品。

    Selective Laser Melting ( SLM ) is a new kind of rapid processing technology which is simple molding and can directly produce the terminal metal productions .

  17. 辐照交联增加了UHMWPE的结晶度,提高了其晶体结构致密度。

    Irradiation crosslinking improves the crystallinity of UHMWPE , increases the density of its crystal structure .

  18. 搅拌真空除气除气效果比静态真空除气更好,铸件致密度提高至98.95%,而且SiC颗粒分布均匀。

    The densification could reach to 98.95 % and SiC particles distributed symmetrically by mixing vacuum degassing which was better than static vacuum degassing .

  19. 结果表明,不同粒度YBaCuO超导粉体的压坯密度、烧结密度(即烧结前后的致密度)随压力的变化规律不同。

    It is found that the green density and sintered density of YBa_2Cu_3O_ ( 7 - δ) powders with different granularity varied differently with the variation of pressure .

  20. 通过控制烧结真空度以减少金属助烧剂Ni的挥发,可以增加碳化钛骨架筋的致密度。

    The volatilization of sintering aid Ni decreases by controlling the vacuum during sintering , so this can increase the density of the sinew of TiC skeleton .

  21. 研究表明,Ti含量适当增加,能够使反应速度加快、产物致密度提高。

    The result shows that when the content of titanium is increased properly , SHS reaction would accelerate and the compaction of product would be higher .

  22. 将电磁成形技术用于粉末材料致密度研究中,以PZT粉末为研究对象,对其进行低电压电磁压制成形。

    Electromagnetic forming was applied to the powder material compaction , and PZT powder was compacted with low-voltage electromagnetic compaction .

  23. 薄膜的致密度和均一性与前驱体薄膜所使用的CIS纳米结构的形貌尺寸有关。

    The density and uniformity of the thin films are strongly related to the size and shape of the nanostructures .

  24. SiC对IRFC致密度及性能的影响

    The Effect of SiC on the Densification and Properties of IRFC

  25. 这说明Zr原子的加入增加了合金结构中密堆多面体的比例,增加了合金的致密度。

    This indicates that the addition of Zr has effectively increased the amount of close packed polyhedra in the alloy structure .

  26. 通过高能球磨和真空热压技术制备了致密度大于98%的纳米晶CuCr合金,通过XRD,SEM和TEM研究了其显微组织和结构。

    Nanocrystalline CuCr alloys with a relative density of above 98 % can be prepared by high energy ball milling and hot pressing technique .

  27. 对于两个体系,当SiC和AlN的质量比为3:7时,复合陶瓷时致密度最大。

    As for the two kinds of composites , when the weight of SiC and AlN is 3:7 , the composites have highest density .

  28. 随CeO2含量增加,陶瓷的致密度、弯曲强度和热膨胀系数逐渐升高。

    The density , bending strength and thermal expansion coefficient increase with increasing CeO 2 content .

  29. 与传统烧结方法比较,SPS制备的样品具有很高的致密度、纯度和良好的晶体结构。

    Compared with traditional densification methods , the samples prepared by SPS have high density , high purity and fine microstructures .

  30. 综合致密度和结构观察表明助烧剂的最佳组成配比为(3~5)%(质量)Al2O3+1%(质量)C,Cf/SiC材料的相应最高致密度接近95%。

    The results show that the additive of ( 3-5 ) wt % Al2O3 , + 1 wt % C is the most effective on the densification and the relative density approaches 95 % .