首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 对致仕官的生活进行考察研究,可以为了解和研究唐代政治、文化和社会生活提供一个新的视角。

    Studying the life of these officials can provide a new angle of view to know the politics and culture of the Tang Dynasty .

  2. 朝廷从多方面给予了致仕官优厚的待遇以确保他们能够安度晚年。致仕制度一直受到学界的重视,研究成果颇丰,然较少学人对官吏致仕后的生活进行专题研究。

    The government offered these officials excellent treatment to make sure they can have a good old life . The official system had been studied by many scholars , but few of them analyzed the life when they retired .