
  1. 笔者认为人格在刑法学领域就表现为一种犯罪危险性人格,少年犯罪是少年危险性人格与致罪因素的结合,人格与少年犯罪之间存在着密切的关系。

    He holds that character in the field of criminal law is performed as a dangerous criminal character , and the juvenile delinquency is caused by the combination of the dangerous criminal character and the crime factor .

  2. 但他和埃里克都像以往一样在门外等着我,所以我估计自己还不致于罪无可恕。

    But he and Eric both met me at the door as usual , so I figured I wasn 't totally unforgiven .

  3. 而该人被控犯有车祸致人死命罪——可怕的肇事逃逸导致另一名司机死亡。

    charged with vehicular homicide for killing another driver in a horrific hit-and-run .

  4. 一审法官认为,男青年犯过失致人死亡罪并判处了刑罚。

    First instance judge held that yang man guilty of negligence causing death and sentenced to a penalty .

  5. 望都县人民法院发表声明称,李启铭对酒后驾车和交通肇事致人死亡罪表示认罪。

    Li pled guilty to drunk driving and vehicular manslaughter , the People 's Court in Wangdu County said in a statement .

  6. 在司法实践中,对故意伤害(致人死亡)罪、故意杀人罪及过失致人死亡罪的认定,其主要争议点在犯罪构成方面。

    Judicial practice of intentional injury ( causing death ), intentional homicide and negligence causing death finds its main controversial point in crime constitutes .