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  1. 本组治疗后2个月主、客观改善率分别为79.4%和69.8%。

    From our data of follow-up at 2 months , the subjective improvement was 79.4 % and objective improvement 69.8 % .

  2. 结果术后4个月主钉折断1例,10个月锁钉松动4例,8个月骨折延迟愈合2例,术后一年骨折不愈合1例、膝关节僵硬1例。

    Results The follow-up period ranged 4 to 12 months , nail broken in 1 case , screws loosen in 4 cases , fractures healing delayed in 2 cases , nonunion in 1 case and stiff knee in 1 case .

  3. 3~4个月后主细胞一般恢复正常形态。

    After 3 ~ 4 months , the principle cells generally restored their normal appearance .

  4. 自12月以来,主承包商太平洋桥梁建设公司(PacificBridge-BuildingCompany)总共有1123名员工没拿到工资。

    In all , 1,123 employees of a main subcontractor , the Pacific Bridge-Building Company , have not been paid since December .

  5. 随访1~10个月,患者主、客观症状均有明显改善。

    The subjective and objective symptoms had significant improvement in 1 to 10 months for follow up .

  6. 3例患者置管后3个月内因伴主胰管多发、巨大结石或胰腺癌而接受手术治疗。

    Of 18 patients accepted operative treatment because of the presence of multiple , large ductal stones and pancreatic carcinoma .

  7. 中国7、8月降水的转动主优势型分析

    A Rotational MAM Analysis on the Rainfall in July and August in China

  8. 断奶后数月乳腺组织即可主哺乳期的变迁过渡到静止形态,乳腺大致恢回复复兴状。

    Breast tissue several months after weaning , breast-feeding can be changes in the main transition to static form , broadly restore back the breast-shaped recovery .

  9. 本月强档:每期主推某风格的服装或配饰,展示新品、表现品牌的流行趋势,指引读者的购买方向。

    Special Section : Introducing a mix & match of certain styles in each edition , demonstrating the fashion trends of the brand , influencing the purchasing inclinations of readers .