首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 辛巴:喂,刀疤叔叔,我做了国王,要怎样赐封你啊?

    SIMBA : Hey Uncle Scar , when I 'm king , what 'll that make you ?

  2. 从宋代开始,国家因祷雨辄应而对颜文姜进行赐封,确定了颜神的地位,以期加强对地方社会的控制。

    From The Song Dynasty , the Country started to grant Yan Wenjiang in order to strengthen its Control of the local society .

  3. 因为他的智慧,隋炀帝赐封他为智者大师,这个名字至今仍为人们所知。

    Because he was so wise , the Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty gave him the title The Wise Master , and this is how he is known even today .