
  • 网络The Giver
  1. 我仅是那赐予者的管家。

    I 'll hold it for the Giver .

  2. 命运是赐予者,也是掠夺者。

    Fortune is a giver and a taker .

  3. 所有福分的赐予者是以他自己的手赐福每个人的。

    The faithful Giver of every good gift distributes them to each of us with His own hand .

  4. 教师就是这片天空的赐予者,但也有可能剥夺这片学生心灵世界的天空。

    The teacher is probably this sky to give , but also deprive this student the sky of the mind world .

  5. 而且作为十一月的生辰石,托帕石能够赐予佩戴者智慧、美丽和健康长寿。

    As the birthstone of November Topaz brings wisdom , beauty and longevity to its wearer .

  6. 鲜花和掌声从来不会赐予好逸恶劳者,而只会馈赠给那些风雨兼程的前行者;

    Flowers and applause from those who have never given to despise labor , and only a gift to those trials and hardships of the former Walker ;

  7. 阿莱克斯塔萨,强大的上古红龙女王,被泰坦赐予生命守护者的称号。

    Alexstrasza , the ancient and powerful Queen of the Dragons , was named the Life-Binder by the titans .