
xīn tòng
  • heartache;precordial pain;cardialgia;cardiodynia;cardiac pain;epigastric pain
心痛 [xīn tòng]
  • [precordial pain; epigastric pain] 心脏所在部位感觉疼痛

心痛[xīn tòng]
  1. 寒性心痛运用温法证治初探

    A study on cardialgia of cold nature treated with warming method

  2. 根据急性心肌缺血常见的病因病机及临床表现,该病可归属于祖国医学心痛的范畴。

    In terms of the frequent origin , pathogenesis and clinical manifestation of AMI , it can be classified into the category of " cardialgia " in Chinese medicine .

  3. 提到约翰就真的让人心痛。

    The mere mention of John had touched a very raw nerve indeed .

  4. 我心痛。

    My heart aches .

  5. 时至今日,回想起来仍然心痛。

    Even now the thought pains me .

  6. 4myheartbleedsforsb为…感到难过;为…感到伤心我为这个可怜的孩子感到心痛。

    My heart bleeds for the poor child .

  7. 心痛还须心药治。

    Seek your sauce where you get your ail .

  8. 总是为了你心痛

    I always feel grieved for you

  9. 刚走了几步,她就觉得一阵心痛。

    After taking a few steps , she felt a spasm1 of pain in her heart .

  10. 有一天,西施患了心痛病,请医生来医治。

    One day , Xi Shi felt pain in her heart , and called a doctor for treatment .

  11. 她喜欢他,所以在他去赴本是自己设计好的约会时,心痛得无以复加。

    She liked him , so her heart was hurt deeply when he went for the date that she designed .

  12. 《好莱坞报道》的博伊德·凡·霍也基称赞道:“这个故事让人频频感到尴尬,看起来也有点心痛,但是对青少年的描绘手法是如此诚恳真挚,这在中年导演拍出的青少年电影中是很少见的。”

    Boyd van Hoeij of The Hollywood Reporter praises " a story that 's frequently awkward and a little painful to watch but also sincere and truthful18 about adolescence in a way seldom seen in films about teenagers made by middle-aged19 directors " .

  13. 结论:心得安能改善短效钙拮抗剂心痛定的HRV。

    Conclusions : Propanolol can improve HRV caused by short-acting calcium antagonist nifedipine .

  14. TIA患者的危险因素包括高血压、冠心痛、糖尿病和脑梗死病史;

    The risk factors included hypertension , coronary heart disease , diabetes mellitus and a history of cerebral infarction .

  15. 直到你可以坦然直视ta的Facebook主页而不会感到阵阵心痛,或有种直接想扔了笔记本的冲动。

    Wait until you can look at his or her Facebook profile without feeling something bad in your chest , or the urge to throw your laptop .

  16. AGT基因多态性与冠心痛明显相关。

    The AGT gene polymorphism was associated with CHD .

  17. 目的研究胸痹心痛(冠心病心绞痛)发病与血清IL-6、IL-10、IL-18水平变化的关系。

    Objective : To Investigate the relationship between levels of IL - 6 , IL - 10 , IL - 18 in serum and the mechanism of angina pectoris .

  18. 在星期日晚间举行的NBA总决赛第7场比赛中,克利夫兰骑士队以93比89的比分击败金州勇士队,荣获冠军称号,结束了克利夫兰几十年来夺冠乏力的心痛。

    The Cleveland Cavaliers ended decades of sports heartbreak in the city Sunday night by beating the Golden State Warriors 93-89 in the deciding seventh game of the National Basketball Association Finals .

  19. 方法对375例胸痹心痛患者进行证候分类和冠状动脉造影检查,通过二值多元Logistic回归分析,比较不同证型的危险度。

    Methods : All 375 cases were diagnosed as Chest Stuffiness and Pains and received coronary angiography examination . The dangerous Syndrome - Type ( TCM - ST ) of CSP was analyzed by binary logistic regression analysis .

  20. 不稳定型心痛(UAP)组和隐性冠心病(SCHD)组与对照组相比较PCT差异不显著(P>0.05)。

    The PCT in group UAP and SCHD had not obvious difference from that in control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  21. 从《金匮要略》胸痹心痛的诊疗思路,探讨其在急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)临床研究中的应用价值。

    Based on studying the diagnosis and treatment of precordial pain in synopsis of the golden chamber , the correlation between precordial pain and acute coronary syndrome ( ACS ) is discussed .

  22. 方法观察胸痹心痛患者血清IL-6、IL-10、IL-18的水平并与健康人对比。

    Methods : The levels of IL - 6 , IL - 10 , IL - 18 in serum of patients with angina pectoris were measured and compared with those of the healthy subjects .

  23. 目的:评估血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)基因、血管紧张素原基因(AGT)及载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因多态性与冠心痛的关系。

    Objective : To evaluate the involvement of Angiotensin-converting enzyme ( ACE ), Angiotensinogen ( AGT ) and Apolipoprotein E ( ApoE ) gene polymorphisms in predisposition to coronary disease ( CHD ) .

  24. 结果:冠心病组ACEDD基因型频率与对照组相比有显著差异,28.57%vs.13.12%,P<0.01,ACE基因多态性与冠心痛明显相关。

    Results : A significantly higher frequency of the DD genotype of ACE gene was observed in CHD group ( 28.57 % vs 13 . 12 % , P < 0 . 01 ) . The ACE gene polymorphism was associated with CHD .

  25. 原诺基亚首席设计师诺沃说,苹果在这一概念上占得先机时,我感觉非常心痛;每当别人说iPhone作为一个概念和一款硬件产品是独一无二的,我都感到难过。

    ' I was heartbroken when Apple got the jump on this concept , ' says Mr. Nuovo , Nokia 's former chief designer . ' When people say the iPhone as a concept , a piece of hardware , is unique , that upsets me . '

  26. 贝宁顿的队友麦克·信田(MikeShinoda)知悉后,在推特上发文称他“感到震惊且心痛”。林肯公园官方推特账号发布了一张贝宁顿的照片,致敬这位乐队主唱。

    Following the tragic news , Bennington 's bandmate Mike Shinoda shared a message on Twitter saying he was " shocked and heartbroken . " The official Linkin Park account also tweeted a photo of Bennington as a tribute .

  27. 一些有影响力的科技博客作家提前收到了样书。约翰·格鲁伯就是其中之一。格鲁伯在博客DaringFireball上评价该书“充满智慧,信息准确而充实,有见解,但有时也令人无比心痛。”

    A handful of influential tech bloggers received early copies of the book , including John Gruber , who wrote on his website Daring Fireball that the book was " smart , accurate , informative , insightful and at times , utterly heartbreaking . "

  28. 心痛口服液的临床与实验研究

    Clinical and Experimental Researches on Oral Solution for Checking Heart Pain

  29. 目的探讨硝苯地平(心痛定)治疗先兆早产的临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate effects of Nifepine on threatened erelnagune delivery .

  30. 心痛得,连呼吸都困难。

    Hurt so bad , sometimes it 's hard to breathe .