
  • 网络The game;Games;Mind Game
  1. 你的心理游戏我玩够了

    I am tired of your mind games .

  2. 请告诉我:什么心理游戏会让你在抓狂吗?

    Tell me this : What are the other mental games that drive you bananas ?

  3. 罗格斯大学的人类学研究教授海伦-费希尔建议说:&ldo?quo;男人都想着女人不会说谎,女人也希望男人如此认为,因此男女之间开始在相互之间玩一些心理游戏。”非常有趣!

    Research professor of anthropology at Rutgers Helen E. Fisher suggests that , " Men want to think women don 't cheat , and women want men to think they don 't cheat , and therefore the sexes have been playing a little psychological game with each other . " Fun !

  4. 跟我玩心理游戏,你打算收我多少钱

    Psycho babble . How much you charging for this session ?

  5. 这不是你跟她的心理游戏。

    This is not about a mental game between you and her .

  6. 女人会又来搞这一套心理游戏。

    Women are gonna be pulling these head trips .

  7. 据称,自助手册中建议的妙语连珠、心理游戏以及肢体语言,这些手段的运用事实上反而会增加觅得意中人的难度。

    Self-help books that espouse clever chat-up lines , psychological mind-games and manipulation of body language actually make it harder to find a soulmate , it was said .

  8. 电视娱乐节目中的游戏分为智力游戏(包括猜谜游戏、问答游戏、综合判断游戏)、体力游戏(包括活动性游戏、猜谜性游戏)和心理测试游戏。

    TV entertainment programs are divided into puzzle games ( including puzzles , quizzes , comprehensive judgments games ), physical games ( including active games , puzzles of the game ) and psychological testing games .

  9. Goodman(1971)指出阅读理解是一场心理语言学的游戏。

    Goodman ( 1971 ) points out that reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game and it Involves an interaction between thought and language .

  10. 游戏治疗起源于精神分析,弗洛依德开创了儿童心理治疗与游戏结合之先河。

    Play therapy is rooted in psychoanalysis , Sigmund Freud was the first person who integrated psychotherapy with play .

  11. 另外提及了斯宾塞和谷鲁斯分别从生理和心理上对游戏与艺术所进行的分析。

    And I also say something about Herbert Spencer and Karl Groose , who analyze play and art in a biological way .

  12. 本文通过分析网络游戏玩家的艺术消费心理、网络游戏行销设计者的设计动机和整个网络游戏行销设计艺术市场的现状,从而解析出网络游戏行销设计被审美现象产生的因果关系。

    Through analysis of online gamers art consumption psychology , network game marketing designer motive and the entire network game design art market marketing design , and analyze the current network games marketing design " is aesthetic " phenomenon of causality .

  13. 针对幼儿好动的心理特点,游戏、音乐等活动是发展幼儿智力的钥匙,感觉训练是幼儿认识环境的基础,是幼儿智力开发的重要环节;

    According to children 's psychological characteristics of being fond of activity , games and music are the key of developing their intelligence and the sensing exercises are the base of their knowing environment as well as the important key of developing their intelligence .

  14. 德国学校心理教育技术&游戏辅导及启示

    Technology of School Psychological Education in Germany & Instruction through Games and its Significance

  15. 为预防和改善网络游戏的负面影响,有必要转变社会对游戏的认识,研究制定优秀游戏认证制等政策,开发具有教育和心理治疗功能的游戏等。

    It is necessary to change the social recognition of game , make policies of game authentication and explore those games of functions of education and psychological therapy .