
bì hù suǒ
  • shelter;refuge;Sanctuary;asylum;cover
  1. 教堂成为这些难民的庇护所。

    The church became a sanctuary for the refugees .

  2. 为了给圣达菲慈善机构的粮食仓库项目和野生狼群庇护所项目筹款,Martin拿出了非常诱人的条件。

    To raise money for the Santa Fe charity The Food Depot and the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary , Martin is offering some very tempting items for purchase .

  3. 那是一个受虐待妇女的庇护所。

    It 's a shelter for battered women .

  4. 他沿着自己的足迹回到了雪洞,因为如果没有庇护所,他那晚可能会没命。

    He followed his tracks and returned to the snow cave , because without shelter , he could die that night .

  5. 1931年,亚当斯通过为有需要的人建立庇护所、促进教育和服务,激发了一种社区意识,成为第一位获得诺贝尔和平奖的美国女性。

    She encouraged a sense of community by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need In 1931 , Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize .

  6. 大学并没有提倡把大学作为从家庭庇护所到独立自主和成人责任的通道,而是认为他们应该提供与家庭相同的环境。

    Instead of promoting the idea of college as a passage from the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility , universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home .

  7. 我睡眼惺忪地跟着父亲来到庇护所。

    I followed my father to the shelter with my sleepy eyes .

  8. 如果官方发布了洪水预警,要立即寻找庇护所。

    If a flood warning has been issued , seek shelter immediately .

  9. 年以后,他默认了他们在那块土地上建立庇护所

    After 1965 he acquiesced when they established sanctuaries on that soil . 1965

  10. 现在的女人会给自己开辟出一块庇护所,也就是“妈咪洞穴”,它可能是一个房间,一个角落,甚至是一个壁橱。“妈咪洞穴”是让滋养他人的女人滋养自己的地方。

    These days , women are chiseling1 out their own sanctuary2 , taking over a room , nook or even a closet and making it their “ mom cave . ” A mom cave is the place where the woman who nurtures4 everyone goes to nurture3 herself .

  11. 公司创建人RobertVicino正在全国范围内建造并销售地下庇护所。

    Entrepreneur Robert Vicino is building and selling spaces in underground shelters across the country .

  12. 6.sanctuaryn.庇护所正在逃窜的反叛分子在附近的教堂里避难。

    The fleeing rebels found a sanctuary in the nearby church .

  13. 应用高剂量/庇护所策略管理Bt作物抗性的三个基本假设:综述与展望

    Three assumptions of high dose / refuge strategy for resistance management of Bt crops : a review

  14. Les在适当的时机停下来寻找夜晚的庇护所。

    Les stops in some good time to get some shelter for the night .

  15. Marshall希望为男孩女孩们提供一个安全的庇护所,使他们有机会拥有更美好的未来。

    Mr. Marshall tries to give boys -- and girls -- a safe and a chance at a better future .

  16. ElizabethByrs说,这些庇护所中的情况非常危险。

    Byrs says conditions in these shelters are extremely .

  17. 去年,支持者们要求将Pedals转移到庇护所。

    Last year , supporters pushed for Pedals to be moved to a shelter .

  18. Torres说,因为她反对在马戏团里展出动物,因此她的庇护所不对公众开放。

    Torres said because she opposes exhibiting animals in circuses , she decided to keep her shelter closed from the public .

  19. 这是大约离海岸线一公里处CNN人员的庇护所,海潮齐腰深而且非常强势。

    It 's where the CNN crew was sheltering , about a kilometer from the shoreline , the surge was waist deep and powerful .

  20. 她说自己曾在Craigslist网站上发布征集收养者的告示,为猫寻找寄养家庭,梦想着以咖啡馆的形式开一家猫咪庇护所。

    She posted adoption notices on Craigslist , found foster homes for cats and dreamed of a cat sanctuary with a cafe .

  21. 30岁的Hobyo居民SharifWadadAde痛苦的说,驻扎在这里的海盗仅把村庄作为方便的庇护所。

    Thirty-year-old Hobyo resident Sharif Wadad Ade speaks with bitterness about the pirates based here , describing them as outsiders who use the village only as a convenient hide-out .

  22. 贝尔维尔妈妈庇护所(MamaShelter)酒店的创始人之一西里尔·奥泽拉特(CyrilAouizerate)投资4千万欧元在第20区建造一家新酒店,2016年将在圣图安开业。

    Cyril Aouizerate , one of the founders of the Mama Shelter hotel in Belleville , in the 20th Arrondissement , is investing 40 million euros in a hotel that will open at St. - Ouen in 2016 .

  23. SAVIDGE:在新生活福音庇护所,无家可归者已经开始陆续到来。

    SAVIDGE : And at the New Life Evangelistic Shelter the homeless have begun for the night .

  24. EmiliaCasella说,世界粮食计划正在为这些人提供为期一个月的定量供应,还在向庇护所中的无家可归人员提供食物。

    Casella says the World Food Program is providing a one-month ration to these people and also is distributing food to homeless people in some of the shelters .

  25. 毕竟,离英国彭布罗克郡海岸8英里远的这座岛屿是被英国皇家鸟类保护协会(RSPB)认定为天然的庇护所。

    After all , this bleak slab of rock eight miles off Pembrokeshire is run by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) as a sanctuary .

  26. 白色的展厅有些带有高大的天花板,起到采光井的作用,盖里建筑事务所的前设计伙伴埃德温·陈(EdwinChan)称这里是一处庇护所,他曾与盖里和大项目建筑师劳伦斯·泰伊(LaurenceTighe)合作。

    The white galleries , some with tall ceilings that act as chimneys of light , are a refuge , said Edwin Chan , a former design partner in the Gehry firm , who worked with Mr. Gehry and the main project architect , Laurence Tighe .

  27. Wijaya说,现在已经建立了紧急庇护所,来自苏门答腊的第一支队伍已经于周二晚上到达,开始对所需的救援进行迅速评估。

    Wijaya says emergency shelters have been set up and the first team from Sumatra was arriving Tuesday evening to begin a rapid assessment of the aid that was needed .

  28. 在这艰难时期,家庭是他的庇护所。

    The family has been his rock during this difficult time .

  29. 树木为城市里的野生生物提供良好的庇护所。

    Urban wildlife also benefit from the shelter provided by trees .

  30. 在俄亥俄州芬德雷,几百人留在庇护所。

    In Findlay , Ohio , hundreds remain in a shelter .