
  • 网络right of asylum;asylum;sanctuary
  1. 你不享有庇护权,难民身份权,临时保护权,人道主义特许入境,或者工作旅游签证。

    You don 't qualify for asylum , refugee status , temporary protective status , humanitarian parole or non-immigration work travel .

  2. 英国报纸报道称,一名沙特阿拉伯王妃与一名英国男子非法生子,在英国获取庇护权。

    British press reports say a Saudi princess has been granted asylum after having an illegitimate child by an Englishman .

  3. 斯诺登的此次视频讲话以美国宪法图片为背景,而他本人身处俄罗斯,并已被俄政府授予临时庇护权。

    Mr. Snowden spoke from Moscow , where he has been granted temporary asylum , with an image of the U.S. Constitution in the background .

  4. 盖茨先生称“过去六十年的大部分时间内美国海军在西太平洋地区享有的活动庇护权”受到了威胁。

    At risk is what Mr Gates has called " the operational sanctuary our navy has enjoyed in the Western Pacific for the better part of six decades " .