
  • 网络Winkelmann;winckelmann;Stephan Winkelmann;Johann Joachim Winckelmann
  1. 温克尔曼把风格史的方法和艺术直觉、想象力等感性因素引入古希腊艺术史研究中,开启了造型美学研究的现代性之门。

    Winkelmann leaded the method of style history and art intuition , imagination into the ancient Greek art history study , opening the modelling of aesthetic study the door of modernity .

  2. 正如兰博基尼制造的车永远会少于需求一样,我们也会始终提防充斥市场或者制造骗人劣质产品的形象,温克尔曼先生表示。

    In the same way as Lamborghini will always produce fewer cars than the demand , we will always guard against the appearance of flooding a market , or of producing gimmicky or poor quality products , says Mr Winkelmann .

  3. 温克尔曼宣称艺术与自由不可分割。

    Winckelmann declared that art and freedom went together

  4. 这些问题虽然不是全部,但都是我们在研究温克尔曼艺术思想过程中需要回答的问题。

    These questions are not all , but they all are the ones we have to reply in the study of Winckelmann 's artistic thought .