
  • 网络sitz bath;warm sitz bath
  1. 治疗组采用硝矾洗剂坐浴治疗,与采用0.02%高锰酸钾溶液温水坐浴的对照组相比较。

    Glass alum treatment group adopted the treatment lotion Hip Bath , and compared to the control group taked a0.02 percent solution of potassium permanganate Hip Bath warm water .

  2. 两组均每日早、晚温水坐浴,治疗周期为30天,每日分别对主要症状及体征进行疗效评价。

    The two groups were both take hip bath every morning and evening , patients stopped treatment after 30 days . The changes of primary clinical symptoms in all cases were observed and evaluated after 30 days .