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wēn shùn
  • docile;meek;tame
温顺 [wēn shùn]
  • [meek;docile;tame] 温和顺从;和顺

  • 一个温顺的小姑娘

温顺[wēn shùn]
  1. 他是个温顺且彬彬有礼的孩子。

    He is a docile and well-behaved child .

  2. 定理2.2.6.存在I2上的一个温顺的右移同胚fa,使得fa有一个基数为a的1-混沌集,但没有不可数的混沌集。

    Theorem 2.2.6 . There exists a docile right-translation homeomorphism f_a from I ~ 2 × I ~ 2 to itself such that f_a have a 1 & scrambled set with cardinality a but has no uncountable scrambled set .

  3. 他期望女儿都温顺听话。

    He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive .

  4. 表面上她似乎温顺驯服,相当乏味无趣。

    On the surface she seemed meek , rather insipid

  5. 你要知道,在温顺的外表下,她既自傲又固执。

    She 's proud and stubborn , you know , under that pliant exterior .

  6. 她上六年级的时候是个多么可爱温顺的小女孩啊!

    What a sweet , obedient little girl she was in the sixth grade .

  7. 他是一个温顺随和的人。

    He was a meek , mild-mannered fellow .

  8. 她装作一个温顺、天真、害羞的女孩。真不知道她想骗谁。

    She played the role of a meek , innocent , shy girl . I don 't know who she was trying to kid

  9. 那些毛色黑白相间的大熊猫温顺而可爱。

    Those white and black giant pandas are gentle and lovable .

  10. 那个小姑娘像羔羊一般温顺。

    The little girl is as meek as a lamb .

  11. 亚洲水牛比美国水牛温顺些。

    Asian buffalo isn 't as wild as that of america 's.

  12. 她是位温顺的女人。

    She is an obedient woman .

  13. 你会发现狗既温顺又友好。

    You will find the dog 's tractability and friendliness .

  14. 他有个漂亮又温顺的妻子。

    He has a pretty and complaisant wife .

  15. 但尽管它们性情温顺,科学家们仍缺乏有关它们的基本信息,比如鲸鲨的真实年龄。

    But despite their docile2 nature , scientists still lack basic information , such as how long the whale sharks actually live .

  16. 狼看到这件事,心中想道:“狮子好像很温顺,它一定很软弱!”

    Observing this , the wolf began to ponder , " This lion seems so meek1 , he must be very weak ! "

  17. 结论:典型的FD儿童具有驯服温顺和内向人格倾向。

    CONCLUSION : Representative personalities of children with functional dyspepsia are amicability , tameness , and introversion .

  18. 他说:英文单词‘sheep’(绵羊)更符合中国传统文化中羊温顺、甚至有点柔弱的形象。

    The English word ' sheep ' better fits the Yang image in traditional Chinese cultures , which is meek and even a bit weak , he says .

  19. 但当地市民王先生却声称这只“疑似野狼”是他养了两年的宠物狗——性情温顺的“Lady”.

    But a local man surnamed Wang claimed it was his pet dog Lady that he had reared for two years , and who was gentle in nature .

  20. Venus的主人骄傲的描述她是一只温顺而又完美的宠物,但是背地里却是大胃王。

    Venus ' proud owner describes her lovingly as a ' gentle ' and ' perfect ' pet with a deceptively big appetite .

  21. 倔强的反:docile容易教的,温顺的虽然我仔细地跟他解说过较短的路线,那任性的年轻人还是走较长的那条路来。

    Though I had care fully explained the shorter route to him , the perverse youngster came by the longer way .

  22. 美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的儿童节目负责人佛瑞德·西尔弗曼为了使该节目的风格变得温和一点,把这只大狗改造成一个性格温顺懦弱的喜剧角色。

    Fred Silverman , CBS 's head of children 's programming , is credited with softening the tone of the show by making the huge dog a yellow-bellied comedy figure .

  23. 我们的罗德西亚背脊犬杰玛(Gemma)对其他的狗狗很好,与我们温顺的三色猫阿迪(Addie)有着很特殊的感情。

    Our Rhodesian Ridgeback , Gemma , adored other dogs , and enjoyed a special relationship with our cat Addie , a docile tortoiseshell .

  24. 《牛津英语字典》显示,Daft在古英语中是“温和”与“温顺”的含义,而如今它却是“愚蠢”的意思。

    According to the Oxford English Dictionary , Daft meant " mild " or " meek " in Old English , whereas it means " foolish " today .

  25. 仅此一点就让这个性情温顺的小个子男人不顾心中的恐惧,开始搞出机密文件——深信他是亲手在为吉米•卡特(JimmyCarter)刺探情报。

    That 's all it took for the meek little man to ignore his fears and begin bringing out classified documents ─ all in the belief that he was personally spying for Jimmy Carter , God help him .

  26. R2-D2是那个在电影《星球大战》中通常时候温顺的小机器人。它却会突然“出故障”,发出一个秘密信号。

    R2-D2 was the normally obedient little robot in Star Wars who suddenly " malfunctioned " to deliver a secret message .

  27. 的过程,首先彩虹很显然被淘汰了,蝴蝶形象又太温顺,最终还是孔雀被选中,它的选中还给颜色带来了更深层次的内涵,NBC为这个创意非常满意,因为里面还蕴含了个意思“像孔雀一样骄傲。”

    Rainbows were rejected as too obvious , butterflies were too tame and eventually the peacock was selected , bringing with it the connotation that NBC was proud of its new color programming because of the then-common phrase " proud as a peacock . "

  28. 熊抱:这对夫妇说因为他们已经认识Stepan很长时间了,因此他的性格极其温顺,而且他很喜欢给人熊抱。

    Bear hug : The couple say that because they have known Stepan so long his temperament is extremely gentle and he enjoys giving hugs .

  29. 克隆宠物与普通宠物一样的温顺。

    Clone pets are every bit as safe as real pets .

  30. 一个胆小而温顺,另一个则胆大而凶猛。

    One shy and gentle and the other bold and fierce .