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jié nán
  • The Suffering;calamity;misfortune
劫难 [jié nàn]
  • [disaster] 佛教语。谓宿世恶业所致的灾难

  1. 这期间最大的文化劫难发生在1860年,英法联军闯入北京,进行了人类历史上罕见的、骇人听闻的文化掠夺。

    The greatest cultural calamity in the meantime occurred in 1860 when the Anglo-French forces invaded Beijing and perpetrated an appalling cultural looting rarely seen in human history .

  2. 飞行员使尽浑身解数也未能逃脱劫难,飞机最终坠落在湖边的一片树林里。

    The pilot tries and tries to no avail and the plane crashes into the trees at the end of the lake .

  3. 《美丽国度的劫难》被威尔士广播电台主持人RoyNoble(罗伊·诺博)选为他的威尔士优选书籍。

    Rape of The Fair Country was chosen by Radio Wales presenter Roy Noble as his Welsh book of choice .

  4. 我爱上了爱情,这是我的劫难。

    I have loved the love , this is my disaster .

  5. 我们是否能逃过这场暴风雨的劫难还很难说。

    It was uncertain whether we could survive the terrible storm .

  6. 中途劫难:特殊力量及它为什么出现。

    Interception . it 's special potency and why it occurs .

  7. 在恐怖的劫难过后,终于能和家人团聚了。

    Back together with my family , after my terrifying ordeal .

  8. 大劫难后做个不法分子的头头

    Being the leader of a post apocalyptic gang of outlaws

  9. 世纪劫难:印度洋的强地震与大海啸给世人的警示

    Century Hazard Strong Earthquake and Tsunami in the Indian Ocean

  10. 她年纪轻轻遭此劫难,影响了她一生。

    The shadow of this early tragedy have affected her whole life .

  11. 少林就要面临一场劫难。

    There 'll be a disaster in Shao Lin temple .

  12. 北宋末开封的陷落、劫难和抗争

    The Fall Torment and Opposition of Kaifeng at the End of Northern Song

  13. 这一时期佛教经历了一次大的劫难。

    Buddhism experienced a sharp decline during this period .

  14. 圣露西亚向上帝祈祷,祈求上帝赐予她力量度过这一劫难。

    But Lucia prayed to God to have the power to survive the fire .

  15. 陆地的生物也难逃劫难。

    Things aren 't ideal on land either .

  16. 那之前,透过那些伤口和劫难,我确信我了解自己。

    Until then , through wounds and wreck , I had been sure of myself .

  17. 此时劫难已过,“年”又开始它新的旅程了。

    A potential disaster had been averted and Nian had passed by on his tour .

  18. 这里就是劫难开始的地方。

    Here is where the Apocalypse began .

  19. 寒武纪生物爆发前的死劫难海洋

    Strangelove ocean before the Cambrian explosion

  20. 而我们都没意识到一场劫难即将降临到我们头上。

    It did not occur to mankind that a swift fate might be hanging over us .

  21. 胜利者所庆祝的,主要是一种因逃过了本来可能面临到的劫难而产生的解脱感。

    The victors now celebrate mostly their relief that they have escaped what might have been .

  22. 它是与恐龙同一时代、历尽沧海桑田、躲过各种劫难而侥幸生存下来的动物。

    Arowana could be traced back to the dinosaur period , and they survived from various disasters .

  23. 这是佛教亘古未有的大耻辱,佛法万劫难容的大邪恶。

    This is the greatest humiliation for the Buddhism and the greatest malignancy intolerable to Buddha Dharma .

  24. 经历金融危机劫难后,亚洲的银行体系仍未完全恢复元气。

    The banking sector in asia , devastated by the Asian financial crisis , has not fully recovered .

  25. 人们慌乱的企图抓住任何可以帮他们度过这场劫难的东西。

    People are scrambling for whatever supplies they can find in order to make it through the night .

  26. 我已经修炼了很多年。一切都很顺利,直到此劫难,要我死在这条河上。

    Everything was going smoothly until I had a spell of bad luck and ended up on this river .

  27. 须臾之间,原本一个完整的,充满活力的男孩儿失去四肢,成为一个残疾人,他的命运轨迹在这一劫难之后被硬生生地扭转。

    And in an instant this vibrant little boy became a quadruple amputee and his life was changed forever .

  28. 他解释说,在人的一生中,“所有人最终都是要死去的,不管他们逃过了怎样的劫难”。

    As in life , he explains , " everyonewill die eventually , no matter what they 've survived . "

  29. 走出所有的劫难,你们已经受的够多或者体验够多,将会被胜利的甜蜜取代。

    Out of all the travails you have had or are to experience , will come the sweetness of success .

  30. 在这场劫难过后,含在发酵奶产品中的细菌似乎能有效地恢复那些有益的细菌的数量。

    Bacteria contained in fermented-milk products appeared to be effective in restoring populations of the beneficial bacteria after such a catastrophe .