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wú gù
  • for no reason;without cause or reason
无故 [wú gù]
  • [without cause or reason] 没有原因

  • 无故旷课

无故[wú gù]
  1. 约伯敬畏神岂是无故呢?

    Does job serve God for no reason ?

  2. “宝玉已见过这香囊,虽尚未完,却十分精巧,费了许多工夫。今见无故剪了,却也可气。”

    " Although the sachet had not been finished , the embroidery on it was very free and she had put a lot of work into it , so he was annoyed to see it spoilt for no reason . "

  3. 她能无故挑起事端。

    She could create a fight out of anything

  4. 斯蒂芬在近5个月前无故遭到袭击,被捅死了。

    Stephen was stabbed to death in an unprovoked attack nearly five months ago .

  5. 他为无故缺席编了一个理由。

    He didn 't have a good excuse for his absence so he made up one .

  6. 这意味着被编辑的胚胎有一半可能是正常的&它们的DNA无故地被永远改变。

    That means half the embryos that were edited would have been normal & their DNA would have been forever altered for no reason .

  7. 七大工业国(GroupofSeven)周三呼吁俄罗斯停止一切吞并克里米亚的努力,并谴责俄罗斯无故侵犯乌克兰主权的行为。但没有迹象显示俄罗斯将真正受到有实质意义的制裁。

    The Group of Seven nations called on Russia Wednesday to ' cease all efforts to annex Crimea ' and condemned its ' unprovoked violation of Ukraine 's sovereignty . ' But there was no sign of real , meaningful sanctions .

  8. 使用Spurl的免费线上书签服务和搜索引擎,你决不会再次无故丢失网页连接。

    Spurl : Never lose track of a web site again with Spurl 's free on-line bookmarking service and search engine .

  9. 我不认为我的摄影师是无故被杀的。

    I don 't think my photographer got killed for nothing .

  10. 号无故延误比赛,判为一次失败。

    Jumper No.31 unressonably delayde the competition a fault was recorded .

  11. 你必须叁加那些会议,不得无故缺席。

    You must not be absent from the meetings without cause .

  12. 它们是多么可恶,常常无故责备你?

    How horrid of them to be always scolding for nothing ?

  13. 双方均不得无故解除合同。

    Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason .

  14. 2001年以前,巴基斯坦很少发生无故失踪案件。

    Enforced disappearance rarely occurred in Pakistan before to 2001 .

  15. 无故缺席者将挨罚。

    Those who were absent without excuse will be punished .

  16. 我想为先前无故失踪的行为道歉。

    I want to apologize for my disappearing act earlier .

  17. 但我看见很多好人无故死去。

    But I 've seen too many good men die for cause .

  18. 我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉

    I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier .

  19. 超过两次无故缺课将严重危及你的课堂参与评分。

    More than two unexcused absences will seriously jeopardize your class participation grade .

  20. 他坚决反对无故临时放假。

    He is strongly opposed to giving casual holidays .

  21. 无故缺席者一律开除。

    Those who are absent without ( good ) excuse will be dismissed .

  22. 不无故旷课,请假次数不超过二次。

    The whole times of asking for leave are less than two times .

  23. 克扣或者无故拖欠劳动者工资的;

    To deduct wages or delay in paying wages to labourers without reason ;

  24. 目前他正在以银行无故解聘为由提起上诉。

    He is suing the bank for unfair dismissal .

  25. 他突然无故改变主意。

    He changed his mind suddenly for no reason .

  26. 无故与我为仇的追逼我,像追雀鸟一样。

    Mine enemies chased me sore , like a bird , without cause .

  27. 他上大学时经常无故旷课,逃避背诵练习。

    He often cut recitation during his college days .

  28. 他又再无故消失吗?

    Is this another disappearing act with this guy ?

  29. 任何形式的拒绝裁判和无故拖延都是不能容忍的。

    Rejected any form of referees and without undue delay can be not tolerated .

  30. 错误讯息:无故当众示爱是关系密切的证明

    False message : Gratuitous public displays of affection are proof of a strong relationship