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xī qí
  • 同"希奇";strange
稀奇 [xī qí]
  • [strange] 同希奇

  • 晚年得子,怎不稀奇?--《三刻拍案惊奇》

稀奇[xī qí]
  1. 什么稀奇东西让你这么好奇?

    What a novel thing you are so curious about ?

  2. 十月下雪在这儿不是什么稀奇的事。

    Snow in October is nothing strange in this place .

  3. 或者你是否曾绕着一个著名的经典雕塑走,试图弄清楚它的稀奇所在?

    Or walked around a sculpture renowned as a classic , struggling to see what the fuss is about ?

  4. 于是葡萄牙人加入其贸易,将这种果实和其他商品一起沿海岸线运出,但直到1620年英国探险家理查德·乔布森来到赞比亚时,可乐果在他看来依然十分稀奇。

    And while the Portuguese took part in the trade , ferrying nuts down the coast along with other goods , by 1620 , when English explorer Richard Jobson made his way up the Gambia , the nuts were still peculiar to his eyes .

  5. 我们知道,英国每6个孩子中就有一个在学龄前非常胖,这不是什么稀奇事了。

    We know that it 's no wonder that one in six children in the UK are very fat before they start school .

  6. 乙接着说:“这有什么稀奇,我还能认出两旁的小字呢!你看,这不是‘某年某月’、‘某某人书’吗!”

    Mr. B added : " What is so strange about that ? I can even make out the small characters on both sides . Look , aren 't these the year , the month , and the name of the calligrapher2 ? "

  7. 同样并不稀奇的是,在接管Borders书店时,我也有类似的错觉。

    No doubt I suffered from a similar delusion in taking over Borders bookshops .

  8. 创建bundle并没有什么可稀奇的,那么让我们创建一个带activator的bundle吧。

    That wouldn 't be tremendously exciting to create , however , so let 's create one with an activator .

  9. 我们的产品中包括一套石头哑铃,是由一家叫BigGame的公司制作的,这些卖完后他们就不会再生产了,他说道,正是这种稀奇产生了吸引力。

    We 've got things like a set of stone dumbbells made by a company called Big Game that they will never make again after these have sold out , he says .

  10. 来自纽约曼哈顿的画商理查德费根(richardfeigen)表示这一现象并不稀奇。

    Manhattan dealer Richard Feigen contends that this pattern is hardly new .

  11. 在中国,看到山寨货并不稀奇,从山寨苹果专卖店、假冒记者到高仿古驰(Gucci)包袋,不胜枚举。

    China has seen its share of counterfeits , from fake Apple stores to fake reporters to fake Gucci .

  12. 我和jarod的谈话已经不稀奇了。

    My conversations with Jarod are nothing new .

  13. 漫游者喜欢去商店,所以也许古奇要是出现并不稀奇,皇家加勒比海与Guess签署了一项协议给海洋的诱惑号在海上带来第一家古奇店。

    Cruisers love to shop , so perhaps it should come as no surprise that Royal Caribbean has signed a deal with GUESS to bring Allure of the Seas the first Guess store at sea .

  14. 解析器中负责该任务的部件称为扫描器(scanner)或记号赋予器(tokenizer)一点也不稀奇。

    Not surprisingly , the part of the parser that 's responsible for that task is called the scanner or tokenizer .

  15. 尽管这些鼠尾草有一部分购自本地,但还有许多较为稀奇的品种是购自FlowersbytheSea,这是位于加州埃尔克(Elk)的一家经营邮购业务的苗圃,可提供大约400个科属和品种的植物。

    Though some of these salvias were bought locally , many of the more unusual varieties were ordered from Flowers by the Sea , a mail-order nursery in Elk , Calif. , that offers about 400 species and varieties .

  16. 俄罗斯物理学家维克托·韦谢拉戈(VictorVeselago)于1967年首次在理论上提出设想,物理学家戴维·R·史密斯(DavidR.Smith)领导的研究小组于1999年将理论转变为现实。这种新方法起初被视作科幻小说中提到的稀奇之物,比如隐形披风。

    First theorized in 1967 by the Russian physicist Victor Veselago and invented in 1999 by a group led by the physicist David R. Smith , the new design approach was first seen as a curiosity that hinted at science fiction applications like invisibility cloaks .

  17. 不稀奇,这是她穿过的。

    Which is no surprise , since she was wearing them .

  18. 在人类与狗共同进化了一万五千年之后,这点或许并不稀奇。

    This may not seem surprising after 15000 years of co-evolution .

  19. 这些稀奇的水果好像热带国家才会有的?

    Warmer countries have rather unusual fruit , don 't they ?

  20. 贵族与平民通婚已经不再稀奇。

    It is no longer unusual for royalty to marry commoners .

  21. 每年的这个时候,威尼斯人对洪水的如期而至已经不觉得稀奇。

    Flooding is common in Venice at this time of year .

  22. 啊,我还以为是什么稀奇的宝贝呢。

    Oh , I thought there 'd be some rare treasures .

  23. 未婚先孕就像食肉菌一样稀奇。

    Teen pregnancy was about as common as the flesh-eating virus .

  24. 回家晚对我来说是不稀奇的。

    It was not unusual for me to come home late .

  25. 当我们走过的时候所有人都来看稀奇。

    All these people were watching as we passed by .

  26. 当然,现在这已不稀奇了。

    And of course , that is no longer a rare thing .

  27. 我看见了,真稀奇/我看见了一个前所未见的东西。

    I saw something I could never have seen . (

  28. 没什么稀奇的,但我们当时还很年轻。

    It was nothing fancy , but we was young .

  29. 从这个角度来看,在节目中所发生一切并不稀奇。

    From this perspective , what happened on the show is normal .

  30. 到了天堂,天使也就不稀奇了。

    In heaven , an angel is nobody in particular .