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jiā jìng
  • family circumstances;family financial situation;economic condition of a family
家境 [jiā jìng]
  • [family financial situation;ecomomic condition of a family] 即家景,家中经济状况

  • 家境不好

家境[jiā jìng]
  1. 自我中心、课业与家境议题对于逃避策略较具有预测力。

    The variables of egocentricity , grade and family financial situation can predict the avoid strategy .

  2. 康普生的家境衰败就是蓄奴制旧南方衰亡的缩影。

    The declining family circumstances of the Compsons is the symbol of the dying away of the old South tradition .

  3. 尽管他家境一般,但也并不贫穷。

    Though his background was modest , it was in no sense deprived .

  4. 她的政治意识源于她的成长经历,那时因为父亲生病,家境窘迫。

    Her political consciousness sprang from her upbringing when her father 's illness left the family short of money .

  5. 他们的家境每况愈下。

    Their family financial circumstances are from bad to worse .

  6. 她的家境仍无转机。

    The condition of her family was not improving .

  7. 庄周家境贫穷。

    Zhuang Zhou 's family was poor .

  8. 父亲去世之后的家境一落千丈。

    His family ’ s financial situation has rapidly worsened since the death of his father .

  9. 宋国的一个农民,因家境贫寒,生活极为清苦,全靠一件烂麻衣抵御冬天的严寒。

    A peasant in the state of Song led an extremely hard life for he was destitute1 , depending on worn sackcloth to defense2 the chill of winter .

  10. 英国社会流动和儿童贫困委员会表示,家境好的家庭会为孩子提供教育和社交方面的一些优势资源,以防止孩子在社会阶层上下滑。

    The Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission said better-off families managed to provide educational and social advantages to protect their children from slipping down the social scale in Britain .

  11. 但负责大学招生工作的英国大学和学院招生服务中心希望保留现行的招生时间表,因为如果等学年结束之后再开始申请大学,那么家境较贫困的学生从老师那里得到的报考建议将会减少。

    But the university admissions service , UCAS , wants to keep the current timetable saying that if applications began after the academic year had finished , poorer students would have less access to advice from their teachers .

  12. 哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)校长福斯特(DrewFaust)说,哈佛大学正打造在线项目,并主动接触家境困难的学生,以扩大在亚洲的影响力。

    Harvard University is expanding its reach in Asia through its online program and by reaching out to students with lesser means , university President Drew Faust said .

  13. 因为家境贫寒,他读完初中就辍学到哈尔滨市第五针织厂当工人,franklinmarshall。

    Due to his needy family , he had to drop out from middle school and became a worker in a knitting factory .

  14. 她瞧不起我出身卑贱,家境贫困。

    She 's contemptuous of my humble home and poor surroundings .

  15. 他挥霍无度,家境很快就破落了。

    He spent without restraint and was soon reduced to poverty .

  16. 由于家境贫困,他不得不做了梁上君子。

    He had to become a burglar due to his poverty .

  17. 她晚年的大部分时间是在家境贫寒却又虚摆排场的情况下度过的。

    She spent most of her declining years in genteel poverty .

  18. 因为家境贫寒,打棒球成了谋生的必需。

    Given his modest means , playing baseball was a necessity .

  19. 她们都还小的时候,家境也还不错。

    When they were much younger their parents had more money .

  20. 家境富裕的狗儿在主人上班的时候可以去狗儿托育中心。

    Well-to-do canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work .

  21. 马克:听上去他们家境不错。

    Mark : It sounds like they have enough money .

  22. 他没有因家境贫寒而辍学。

    He did not drop out of school despite his poverty-stricken family .

  23. 罗恩家里有七个孩子,虽然家境贫寒,但一家人相亲相爱。

    He comes from a poor but loving family of seven kids .

  24. 唐伯虎,你不要忘了当初你说你家境贫寒。

    Tong Pak Fu , you said you were poor .

  25. 从你的家境看,真还令人惊奇。

    That 's rather curious , considering your background .

  26. 他家境贫寒,家里人说命该如此。

    His impoverished family put it down to destino .

  27. 他为家境穷困而感到羞愧。

    He was ashamed that his family was poor .

  28. 她虽然家境贫寒但自尊心极强。

    Though born at a poor family , she shows quite high self-respect .

  29. 昨天还家境宽裕,下一天便一无所有。

    I 'd been well off one day , a pauper the next .

  30. 比利对家境不如他的人很慷慨。

    Billy was very generous to people who had less than he did .