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sī suǒ
  • think deeply;ponder;speculate;think
思索 [sī suǒ]
  • [think deeply] 反复思考探索

  • 你试展开一幅地图,思索一下各地的变化,该有多么惊人。--《土地》

思索[sī suǒ]
  1. 家长们的谈话和问卷调查结果,不能不引起人们的思索。

    The parents'talks and the result of investigation make us think deeply .

  2. 老头儿似乎在苦苦思索。

    The old man appeared to think deeply .

  3. 他沉思着,仿佛在思索某个深奥的哲学问题。

    He pondered , as if over some deep philosophical point .

  4. 这是她未加思索做出的反应。

    It was a knee-jerk reaction on her part .

  5. 机会已经失去。他苦苦思索别的方案。

    The opportunity had gone . His mind scrabbled for alternatives .

  6. 他对我的当面质询迫使我思索如何作答。

    His confronting me forced me to search for the answers .

  7. 多年的苦苦思索之后,她才作出了申请培训的决定。

    She only made the decision to apply for training after years of agonizing .

  8. 诺先科苦苦思索终于想起了库佳的姓。

    Nosenko puzzled out Kutya 's surname

  9. 他的确该注意自己说话不经思索的问题。谁知道他会说些什么?

    He really must be careful about thinking aloud . Who knew what he might say ?

  10. 该协会花费大量时间苦苦思索如何提高美国的生产力。

    The Institute spends a lot of time scratching its head about how to boost American productivity .

  11. 她一夜未曾入睡,反复思索着去还是留。

    She lay awake all night pondering whether to leave or stay .

  12. 我一夜没睡着,反复思索这个问题。

    I lay awake all night , turning the problem over and over in my mind .

  13. 让学生们自己思索解决难题很有好处。

    It 's good for students to puzzle things out for themselves .

  14. 我不知道被邀请者的确切数字,但不用思索我认为会有40人左右。

    I don 't know the exact number of people who have been invited but off the top of my head I should think there will be about forty .

  15. 她就那么一连数小时静静地坐着,苦苦地思索。

    Hour by hour she sat motionless , deep in thought .

  16. 思索了一会儿,他又说道:

    But , after some thought , he added :

  17. 苹果公司(Apple)一位前任员工回忆起乔布斯曾经有一次在公司召开的会议上认真思索MiniCooper的魅力所在。

    One ex-Apple employee remembers sitting in a meeting with Jobs , who was mulling over the appeal of Mini Coopers .

  18. 分析师们,包括瑞银的JonathanAnderson开始思索,新兴市场现在是不是已成了不会将投资人套住的“特富龙”。

    Analysts began asking whether emerging markets were now " Teflon ", as Jonathan Anderson of UBS put it .

  19. 欣喜于成功入世之余,我们还必须认真思索加入WTO为我国总体经济发展和不同经济领域带来的挑战和机遇,从而抓住机遇,迎接挑战。

    After being cheerful for the successful entry into WTO , we must ponder about the challenge and opportunity faced by our country 's overall economic development and various economic fields , so as to catch the opportunity and welcome the challenge .

  20. 本文所提出针对思明区人社局平时绩效考核体系完善的措施和方法,是本人在厦门大学攻读MPA期间密切关注并积极思索的。

    The measures and methods of Siming District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau usual performance appraisal system is perfect , I pursue MPA at the Xiamen University , pay close attention to and actively thinking .

  21. 数周思索后,苹果于今天命名新款为iPhoneXS(十加大版)andXSMax(十最大版),甚至在发布会几小时前,名字就被泄露出去了。

    After weeks of speculation , Apple confirmed today that it is calling its new devices the iPhone XS and XS Max - and even accidentally leaked the information hours ahead of launch .

  22. 节能建筑设计方法的思索与革新&解析基于DOE-2软件辅助的一个节能住宅单体设计

    Thinking and Reformation for Power-saving Building Design & Analyze a Power-saving Housing Design with the DOE-2 Programme

  23. “这些年来,我真的甚至在走路的时候都在思索为什么会有这个不同,”听力科学教授埃德•鲁贝尔(EdRubel)说。鲁贝尔负责领导华盛顿大学科研项目的一部分工作。

    ' I literally walked around for years wondering about this variability , 'says Ed Rubel , a professor of hearing sciences who leads part of the University of Washington research effort .

  24. 其它思索问题的因素应该立脚于这个官位是否对于提名儿雇主的事业的运营有至关关紧的效用以及该股主提名儿的提出请求人的生业是否在MODL单子上。

    Other considerations are whether the position is critical to the operation of the nominating employer 's business and whether the occupation for which the applicant has been nominated is on the MODL .

  25. 我代表思索和反省、黄昏和深水。

    I represent thought and reflection , twilight and deep water .

  26. 关于我国特殊教育师资职后教育的问题与思索

    The Issues and Thinking About Post-employment Education for Special Education Teachers

  27. 国有企业改革的回顾和思索

    A Retrospection of and Considerations About the Reform of State-Owned Enterprises

  28. 绝缘子污秽闪络的研究现状及思索

    Present Status and Future Prospects for Flashover Research of Contaminated Insulators

  29. 每一个招聘负责人都在面试过程中思索着预算。

    Every hiring manager is thinking about budget during the interview .

  30. 对我国煤炭利用与煤化工产业发展的环保思索

    Environmental thinking of China 's coal use and coal chemical industry