
  • 网络thought leadership;thought leader
  1. 他还是CAL思想领导顾问委员会委员。

    He is also a member of The Thought Leadership Advisory Council for the CAL .

  2. 方法、模式和技术的书籍和论文的写作,(工业界称为思想领导),是相对简单的。

    Writing books and papers about methods and patterns and techniques , which the industry calls thought leadership , is relatively easy .

  3. 我们感觉无产阶级思想领导的问题,是一个非常重要的问题。

    In our opinion the question of proletarian ideological leadership is very important .

  4. 在新的社会条件下,社会主义思想领导权面临严峻挑战。

    Being new social conditions , initiates a challenge to the socialist ideology leadership .

  5. 最终,党和文艺工作者的思想领导关系变成了行政领导关系。

    And hence the ideological leadership between the Party and literary workers was changed into the administrative leadership finally .

  6. 党对中国特色社会主义事业的领导包括政治领导、思想领导和组织领导。

    The Party exercises leadership in the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics , including political leadership , ideological leadership and organizational leadership .

  7. 本文就依法治国对加强党的领导的重要性进行了分析,提出依法治国有利于加强党的政治领导、思想领导、组织领导。

    Analysed in this article is the importance of governing the country according to law to strengthening Party 's leadership , to be exact , Party 's political , theoretical and organizational leadership .

  8. 本文剖析了思想领导的内涵及共和国文艺体制的行政化运作特征,并进而分析了这种体制对《武训传》批判运动的影响。

    The meaning of " lead of thinking " and the character of literature system running under administration are analysed in the article which effect on the animadvert on this movie are discussed later .

  9. 我国检务公开制度现今存在的诸多不足,将来发展所具有的系列障碍,归根结底主要是由于思想领导和制度建设等方面与现实需求之间存在差距。

    Many inadequacies exist in our country making public system today , the future development of a series of obstacles , in the final analysis , mainly due to the thought leadership and institution building with the real needs there is a gap .

  10. 这部分从两个层面来把握:一个是政府和社会的宏观角度,包括统揽全局的思想领导和社会的政治、经济、文化方面的改造;另一个是立足于个体主体自身的努力。

    Some suggestions on how to improve the quality of nationals is extended from two aspects : one is from the angle of the whole society including the ideological leading and the efforts in economy , politics and culture , and the other is the efforts of each individual .

  11. 有一整个世界都在等待新思想新领导

    there is a world starving for new ideas , new leadership

  12. 三个代表重要思想与领导科学创新

    Important Thinking of " Three Represents " and Innovation of Leadership Science

  13. 论社会主义思想的领导权

    The Enhancement of Socialist Ideology Leadership

  14. 以“三个代表”重要思想指导领导科学学科建设

    Guiding to develop the discipline of leadership science with the important thought of " three representatives "

  15. 解放思想要领导带头,要借鉴世界先进办学理念,创新管理制度,创新人才培养模式。

    Only with the leadership of the presidents cart universities create new mode of administration and talent cultivation .

  16. 学习三个代表重要思想加强领导班子的思想作风建设

    Studying the Important Idea of ' the Three Representatives ' Strengthen the Thought Style Development of the Leader Groups

  17. 然而,在大多数使用这个词的时候,根本就没有任何思想或领导的迹象。

    Yet mostly when the term is used there is no sign of any thinking or leading going on at all .

  18. 党的领导思想和领导方式应当按照现代法治的要求不断调整和改进。

    The Party 's leadership thoughts and methods should be continuously adjusted and improveds according to the demand of modern rule of law .

  19. 教育改革的关键在校长,校长对学校的领导首先是教育思想的领导,主要表现为营造浓厚的读书、求索、教研氛围。

    The crux of innovation is the principal , who should obey advanced educational point of view and can create a good enviroment of reading , probing and discussing .

  20. 三个代表重要思想是党领导人民建设中国特色社会主义伟大实践的科学结晶。

    The important thought of Three Represents is the scientific crystallization of the great practice in the Party-leading Chinese-characteristic socialist construction .

  21. 谁要是坚持错误不肯改正,就不能担负思想工作的领导责任。

    No one who clings to his mistaken views and refuses to correct them can hold a leading position in ideological work .

  22. 科学发展观视野中的思想政治教育领导艺术&德育工作者的非权力性影响力

    Leadership of the Ideological and Political Education in the Perspective of the Scientific Outlook on Development : On Non-power Influence of Instructors

  23. 首先要认识目前问题的严重性,认识改变思想战线的领导软弱涣散状况的迫切必要性。

    First and foremost , they should recognize the seriousness of the problems and the urgent need to overcome weakness and laxity in leadership in this area .

  24. 他的思想方法和领导风格,渗透着活的唯物辩证法,渗透着忠于人民、忠于党的事业的崇高品质。

    His thoughtway and leading style seeped the live materialistic dialectics and the lofty quality of being loyal to the people , loyal to the party 's undertaking .

  25. 一是把思想重视、领导认可、符合需求、建立机构、完善制度、培养人才作为开展工作的起点和重点,明确工作方向和着力点。

    It is a thought , leadership , accord with the demand , establish mechanism , perfect system , personnel training as the starting point and focus of work , make clear working direction and focal point .

  26. 第六部分分析了隐性领导的实现途径,认为有效实施隐性领导,需要将树立领导者的隐性领导思想、构建领导情境和隐藏领导方式,三方面有机的结合起来。

    The sixth part analyzes the realization ways of recessive leadership that the effective implementation recessive leadership , need will establish leader of the leadership thought , constructing the recessive leadership situation and hidden leadership , organic combine three aspects .

  27. 以提高素质、优化结构、改进作风和增强团结为重点,把各级领导班子建设成为坚持贯彻三个代表重要思想的坚强领导集体。

    We should turn the leading bodies of the Party at all levels into staunch collectives that firmly implement the important thought of Three Represents mainly by improving their qualities , optimizing their composition , refining their work style and enhancing solidarity .

  28. 湘西土家族苗族自治州“种草养羊”富民工程暨肉羊产业发展不仅已具有较好的群众思想基础和领导组织基础,而且也已具备一定的市场、技术和产业基础;

    The basis in market , technology , and production as well as the good mass conciousness and leading organization lay a solid foundation for the program of making people rich through raising goat by planting Grass and the meat goat production .

  29. 在一定时期内,政治上一元化领导的思想将行政领导和思想领导绝对统一了起来。这导致行政权力和思想权力的混淆。

    In a certain period of time , the thoughts of the unified leadership in politics had become successful in the absolute unification of the administrative leadership and ideological leadership , which led to the confusion of the administrative power and ideological power .

  30. 思想政治工作中领导干部的人格力量

    Personality Strength of Leading Cadres in Ideological and Political Work