
  • Moral Education;ideological and ethical education
  1. 新的思想品德课是思想政治课历史发展的逻辑归宿。

    Moral education is the logical outcome of P.E in its history of development .

  2. 文章阐述了提高思想品德课实效性必须从教学改革的方向入手,以此改进教学内容和教学方式;

    The article put forward a point of view that the moral education should be started with teaching reformation , teaching content reformation and the teaching method .

  3. 人格教育是思想品德课教学的基础

    Moral Character Building is the Basis in Thinking and Morality Teaching

  4. 探索改进高校思想品德课教学的有效途径

    Exploring Effective Ways Of College and University Ideological Moral Courses Teaching

  5. 民族院校的发展与思想品德课教学的针对性

    The Development of Nationalities Colleges and the Teaching of Ideological Morality

  6. 初中思想品德课教师课程创生的个案研究

    Middle School Ideological and Ethical Teachers Curriculum Enact of Case Studies

  7. 新课程中思想品德课教师角色转变的研究

    The Study of Teacher 's Roles in the New Curriculum

  8. 多媒体技术在思想品德课教学中的应用

    The Usage of Multimedia Technology in Ideological and Moral Teaching

  9. 浅议初中思想品德课的开放式考试

    A Brief Discussion About the Open Examination of Ideology-Morality in Junior Schools

  10. 第二部分是教师眼中的思想品德课。

    The second part is the moral lesson in teachers ' eyes .

  11. 思想品德课与青少年健全人格的塑造

    Ideological and Moral Class and the Shaping of Youngsters ' Sound Personality

  12. 第一,改进和完善思想品德课的内容。

    First , improve and perfect the ideological and moral course content .

  13. 案例教学在六年级思想品德课教学中的运用

    The Application of Case Study in Moral Education Teaching for Grade ⅵ

  14. 教活大学思想品德课的几点思考

    Meditation on the effective teaching of the college course of moral thoughts

  15. 试论高校思想品德课教学改革

    On Teaching Reform of Ideological & Moral Class in University

  16. 试论思想品德课教学方法的创新

    On new ideas of teaching method for ideological character lesson

  17. 本中求变、求新&思想品德课教学的理论探讨与实践

    Theoretical Study And Practice In " Ideology And Morality Course " Teaching

  18. 在思想品德课中进行情境体验式教学的实践探析

    Practical Exploration on Experiential Teaching in Situation in Ideological and Political Class

  19. 思想品德课渗透心理健康教育的探索

    Moral Lesson in Ideological Infiltration of Mental Health Education Research

  20. 思想品德课体验式教学法的应用研究

    Applied Research on the Experience Teaching Method of Ideological and Moral Lessons

  21. 思想品德课教学方法改革中的五个关系

    Six Relations in Teaching Methodology Reform of Moral Education

  22. 思想品德课活动化教学之我见

    Views on the Course of Morality Based on Activity

  23. 高校思想品德课中的创新教育

    Innovation oriented education in College Ideological and moral courses

  24. 思想品德课乐教乐学途径探索

    Exploring the Approaches of Happy Teaching and Happy Learning in Moral Education Class

  25. 生活化,使思想品德课教学返朴归真

    ON Returning to Reality Life Essence of the Thought Moral Education and Teaching

  26. 思想品德课教师在教学中的合作学习策略研究

    Strategy Study on Cooperative Learning in Teaching for Teachers of Ideology and Morality

  27. 思想品德课是两课的重要组成部分,是对青年大学生进行思想政治教育的主渠道和主阵地。

    Ideological and Moral Education is an important course .

  28. 高等院校思想品德课六课型教学模式设计

    Teaching Model Design on ' Six Types of Lesson ' of University Ideological

  29. 初中思想品德课探究式教学研究

    Investigative Teaching Research for Moral of Junior Middle School

  30. 论德育场与德育新思维观思想品德课的活动教学

    Thoughts on Moral Education Field On the teaching of practice of moral class