
  • 网络differential treatment in education
  1. 在教学的过程中要注意因人施教。

    In the teaching process we should pay attention to teaching methods .

  2. 因人施教是发挥学生主动性的关键。

    The key of exerting the go-aheadism of students is teaching for everybody .

  3. 认为应针对少数民族学生实际,帮助他们矫正心理和学习上的偏差,尊重差异,因人施教,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,提高英语学习成绩。

    We should respect their differences , arouse their interest in learning English and improve English teaching method .

  4. 研究了改革课程教学,因材施教,因人施教,重视实习和实验教学对提高聚合反应工程教学质量的影响;

    The effects of teaching reform , teaching students according to their aptitude , paying attention to laboratory and practice on improving the quality of polymerization engineering teaching were studied .

  5. 智能教学系统主要研究如何通过计算机模拟人类优秀教师,采取因人施教的教学策略,实现最有效的个别化的学习。

    The goal of an ITS was to reproduce the behavior of an excellent human tutor who can adapt his teaching rhythm of the specific learner , realizing most-effective individualized instruction .

  6. 我国的培训在实施上往往采用统一培训的方式,忽视了因人施教的培训理念,没有针对性,整体培训质量低。

    The implementations of training in china often use unified approaches which ignore the philosophy of " individualized education " and have no relevance , so the overall quality of training is low .

  7. 结论患者普遍知识缺乏,知识掌握不均衡,药物知识尤其缺乏,应加强和深化健康教育,尤其要多关注文化程度低者,并注意因人施教。

    Conclusion Patients with chronic renal failure lack of knowledge at large , especially knowledge of medication ; The patients with chronic renal failure need to enhance knowledge education , especially that of low-level of education .

  8. 背景:对学习障碍儿进行教育指导十分有利于改善其学习和行为障碍,这种教育指导若是个别化,即因人施教,则可能会取得更好的效果。

    BACKGROUND : Educative instruction is good for the improvement of learning and behavior disorder in children with learning disorder . If this educative instruction were individualized , i. e. Cases of education group received individual customized educative instructions .