
jiā zhǎnɡ xué xiào
  • parenting classes
  1. 小学家长学校问题的成因及对策研究

    Research on Problems and Measures of Primary Parent 's Schools

  2. 家长学校在未成年人犯罪防范网络中的地位

    On the Role of Parents School in Precautionary Network against Adolescent Crime

  3. 从高校视角出发,在信息时代可以用“网络家长学校”的方式开展大学生家庭教育活动。

    The author suggests that family education be carried out by means of online schools for parents .

  4. 我是第一次来家长学校!欢迎全国的家长朋友们!

    This is the first time I have been here with the parents all over the country .

  5. 家长学校的这些课程预定在每个周末,并将持续一个学期。

    The classes at parents school are scheduled for every weekend , and will last for one academic term .

  6. 家长学校的老师们说他们回帮助解决这些困扰担心的家长们的问题。

    Questioning the worried parents of college-bound students , the parents'schools'teachers say they will help them find out the answer .

  7. 充分利用各个小学的家长学校,提高家长的思想认识;

    Sixth , Make full use of the parents ' school in every elementary , improve the parents ' ideologies level .

  8. 学校要通过家长学校、家庭访问等等途径,正确引导家庭教育;

    The school should properly guide family education in such ways as founding parents'schools , visiting schoolchildren 's parents and so on .

  9. 分层教学的实施,需要家长学校等的支持。⑤构建新型和谐的师生关系。

    The implementation of the STM needs supports of school and parents ⑤ Construct a new type harmonious relationship between teachers and students .

  10. 这条规定将在明年逐步实施,对于买不起新领带的家长学校将提供资助。

    This rule will be phased inover the next year and support will be given to parents unable to afford the new tie .

  11. 家长学校与基础教育学校并存,可见家庭、社会环境作用已成为现代教育行政的重要议题。

    The coexistence of parent school and elementary education indicates that the implication of family and social environment has developed to be the important topic of modern educational administration .

  12. 网络德育可以通过网络德育课堂、虚拟社区、网上咨询、在线讨论、网上家长学校、网上德育基地等途径来实现德育目标。

    Its goal may be realized by the means of networked moral classes , virtual community , online chat and discussion , net parents ' school , moral basements on the net etc.

  13. 这个家长学校的目的在于教导新生的家长如何与他们的孩子更好地沟通。这个学校在被上海东方日报在星期一报道后,引起了广泛的关注。

    Such parents'schools , which aim to teach parents of fresh students how to better communicate with their children , have drawn great attention , reported the Shanghai-based Dongfang Daily on Monday .

  14. 所谓政府干预,指的是县、镇二级政府及其组成部门通过行政手段加强对家长学校的调节,促进其健康发展。

    The term " Government Intervention " refers to the joint departments of the county government , town government and their composition reinforce the regulation of parent school and promote the development by administrative approach .

  15. 近十几年来,在相关机构和社会有识之士的共同努力下,家长学校在各地有了较好的发展势头,积累了宝贵的经验。

    In recent years , the relevant institutions and society a person with breadth of vision under the joint efforts of school , parents in the rest of the good momentum of development , has accumulated valuable experience .

  16. 网上家长学校,是相关机构借助于现代媒介,为家庭成员提供家庭教育主题相关服务,使其获得资源与情感等方面的支持,力求全面提升家庭成员素养的组织。

    Online-parents-school is a organization that relevant institutions use the modern media , provide related services about family education for the family members , let them access to resources and emotional support , and strive to enhance the family literacy .

  17. 最后从充分认识家庭教育的重要性和紧迫性、走出家庭教育误区、办好家长学校和创建学习型家庭四个方面提出解决我国家庭教育问题的对策。

    Thirdly , proposing the solution to Chinese family education from four aspects such as recognizing the importance and urgency of family education fully , stepping out the mistake of family education , setting good parents school and creating family of knowledge - learning model .

  18. 但随着社会形势的深刻变化和家庭教育活动的深入开展,也出现了不少制约家长学校发展的难题,这些问题不及时研究和解决,将严重影响家长学校的规范性发展。

    But along with the social situation and the profound changes in family education activities , also appeared many restricts the development of parent schools problems , these problems are not timely to study and solve , will seriously affect the normative development of parent schools .

  19. 在农村,家庭、社会环境影响对中小学生成长的重要性更是无以比拟,本个案研究&象山农村的家长学校需求就证实了这一点。

    In the rural area , the effect of the family and social environment on the growth of school children is much more crucial than ever , which has been proven by the case study of the demand of the parent school in rural area of Xiangshan County .

  20. 我们希望学生家长和学校有更加紧密的合作。

    We would like to see closer cooperation between parents and schools .

  21. 很多家长反对学校实行双语教育。

    Many parents oppose bilingual education in schools .

  22. 家长和学校是主要原因。

    Parents and schools are a main reason .

  23. 他鼓励学生家长参与学校的管理

    He encourages parental involvement in the running of school .

  24. 东京都知事小池百合子称,她正在推进这一计划,让中小学生能够现场观看残奥会,前提是家长和学校都支持。

    Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has said she is pressing ahead to allow school children to attend the Paralympics , as long as parents and schools are supportive .

  25. 利用Internet作为家长与学校联系的平台,可方便家长与学校的互通信息,介绍家校互联系统的设计思想及采用的ASP。

    Make use of the terrace that the Internet is the parent and the school contact , can convenient parent and the mutual communication information of the school , introduce a school to contact the design thought of the internet and the design of the adoptive technique of ASP .

  26. 几个家长在学校的迪斯科舞会上做行为监督人。

    Several parents acted as chaperones for the school disco .

  27. 实现家长参与学校教育权利的对策

    Measures to realize the parent participation and school education rights

  28. 庆幸的是,越来越多的家长和学校已经意识到这点。

    Fortunately , more and more parents and schools have realized it .

  29. 论特殊儿童家长参与学校教育

    Research on Parents of Exceptional Children Participating in School Education

  30. 结论大学生人格偏离的影响因素是多方面的,应引起家长、学校和社会的普遍关注。

    Conclusions The influencing factors of personality deviation were multiple .