
  • 网络HOME CARE;Family Nurse Practitioner
  1. 相对于其他国家的研究,爱尔兰的家庭护理支出在总直接支出中占有更高的比例。

    Nursing home care accounts for a higher proportion of direct costs in Ireland relative to other studies .

  2. 家属参与护理模式对PICC家庭护理质量的影响

    Effect of Family Involvement on Home Care Quality of PICC

  3. 该部门负责提供家庭护理服务。

    The department is responsible for the provision of residential care services .

  4. 兄弟几个每个月凑一笔钱,请了一个家庭护理。

    The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide .

  5. 日本政府指出,预期好处包括让有家庭护理责任的人可以免于辞职,促进员工再教育,也可以帮助更多的人从事兼职。

    Among expected advantages are helping people with family-care responsibilities avoid the need to quit their jobs , promotion of recurrent education , and helping more people take on side jobs , the government said .

  6. 要加强对HIV感染者配偶的家庭护理教育;

    HIV-infected patients ' spouses , serving as the health nurse , should get education about AIDS family nurse .

  7. 结论有效的家庭护理干预可提高晚期AD患者的生存质量,延缓病情的进展。

    Conclusion The effective family nursing interventions can promote the quality of patients'life with advanced Alzheimer 's disease , retard the progress of AD.

  8. 而远程监护(Telemonitoring)和家庭护理技术(HomeHealthCare,HHC)则是近年来远程医疗非常重要的一个研究领域,也是一个相对薄弱的研究领域。

    Telemonitoring and Home Health Care ( HHC ) is important but relatively weak research field of the telemedicine .

  9. 探讨肠内营养(EN)支持的家庭护理。

    This paper is intended to discuss family care for patients ' sustaining nourishment in intestines .

  10. 研究显示,每投入6000英镑到面向少女妈妈的家庭护理合作计划(familynursepartnerships),日后就会在失业与教育失败方面节省1.75万英镑。

    Research suggests every 6000 invested in family nurse partnerships , a programme for teenage mothers , saves 17500 in unemployment and educational failure later .

  11. PICC置管病人家庭护理手册的应用与体会

    The practice and experience of distributing PICC home nursing instruction handbook for patients with PICC

  12. 应用PDCA循环对糖尿病患者实施家庭护理干预的效果研究

    A study on effect of applying PDCA to carry out domestic nursing intervention for patients with diabetes mellitus

  13. 结果160例患者PICC未发生相关性感染,但进行家庭护理不当致感染的有6例。

    RESULTS There was no correlated infection in all the patients , but family nursing might lead to infection .

  14. 研究目的调查维持性血液透析(MaintenanceHemodialysis,MHD)患者的家庭护理现状、照顾者在照顾患者的过程中存在的问题、照顾者的心理状况和生活质量及其影响因素。

    OBJECTIVE To survey the family nursing 's status quo of patients who received MHD ( maintenance hemodialysis ) , problems caregivers meet , the mental state and quality of life of caregivers and their affect factors .

  15. 结论应用PDCA循环对病人实施家庭护理干预,能有效促使病人养成良好的行为习惯,从而提高治疗效果。

    Conclusion Family nursing intervention by applying PDCA circle to the patients with fatty liver can prompt the patients to develop good habits and behaviors and improve the curative effectiveness .

  16. 方法:10名同学参与了长达2年的家庭护理,现对这10名学生与班级其他学生就相应的知识能力进行对照考查。运用x2检验、T检验。

    Methods Compare the nursing skills of ten students , who have practised family nursing for 2 years , with other students in the class , by x2 test and T test .

  17. 目的应用PDCA循环对糖尿病患者实施家庭护理干预,为糖尿病患者自我保健、自我康复寻找一种新的护理模式。

    Objective To apply PDCA cycle to carry out domestic Nursing intervention in Diabetes Mellitus patients , so as to find out a new nursing care model for self-care and self-rehabilitation of diabetes patients .

  18. 林德首席执行官沃尔夫冈•比歇勒(WolfgangBüchele)想将Lincare作为进入中国的平台,但该公司首先要取得牌照才能在中国提供家庭护理服务。

    Wolfgang B ü chele , Linde chief executive , wants to use Lincare as a platform to enter China but first the company requires a licence to provide healthcare services in Chinese homes .

  19. Sageworks还预测:与在册护士一样,家庭护理员、医师助手、药剂师和其他医学类职业在不久的未来将会很热门抢手。

    Along with registered nurses , Sageworks projects that home care aids , physician assistants , pharmacists , and other medical professions will be in high demand for the foreseeable future .

  20. 这个椅子是日本UniCare公司的产品&在东京巨型的家庭护理和康复展览会上,这款产品的价格是46000日元,相当于419美元。

    The chair is the brainchild of Japanese company UniCare – they 're selling the product for 46,000 yen ( $ 419 ) at the International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition in Tokyo .

  21. 这个椅子是日本UniCare公司的产品——在东京巨型的家庭护理和康复展览会上,这款产品的价格是46000日元,相当于419美元。

    The chair is the brainchild of Japanese company UniCare - they 're selling the product for 46000 yen ( $ 419 ) at the International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition in Tokyo .

  22. 石膏固定病人的家庭护理指导

    The effect of family nursing consultation for patients with plaster fixing

  23. 支气管哮喘患儿家庭护理现状调查

    Investigation on Status Quo of Family Nursing of Child Bronchus Asthma

  24. 脑血管病恢复期的家庭护理

    Family Nursing Care of Recovery Stage of Patients With Cerebrovascular Diseases

  25. 家庭护理干预对中青年高血压病患者生活质量的影响

    Effect of family nursing intervention in life quality of hypertensive patients

  26. 中药治疗单纯性肥胖患儿的家庭护理干预

    Family Care of Simple Obese Children Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine

  27. 小儿气管切开术后留置套管的家庭护理

    Familial nursing care of children with indwelling canula after underwent tracheotomy

  28. 脑卒中患者家庭护理服务项目需求的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Home Care Services Needs in Stroke Patients

  29. 沿海地区乡镇居民家庭护理需求调查

    A survey of home care needs in coastal area township residents

  30. 家庭护理对精神疾病复发的影响

    Effect of family nursing on the patients with schizophrenia to recover