
  • 网络CSF culture;Cerebral Spinal Fluid Culture
  1. 患者血、脑脊液培养为猪链球菌2型。

    Suis type 2.was discovered in blood or C. S.

  2. 脑脊液培养43/132例(32.58%);

    CSE culture 132 cases , positive 43 cases ( 32 58 % );

  3. 他在接受经验性的无环鸟苷治疗后,多次血培养和脑脊液培养是阴性。

    He was treated empirically with acyclovir , and multiple blood and CSF cultures were negative .

  4. 本文报告国内首例由波氏假阿列色菌(Pseudallescheriaboydii)引起的真菌性脑膜炎,对其从脑脊液中培养出的波氏假阿列色菌进行了形态特点、培养特性、超微结构及抗原性的研究。

    This is a report on the first case in China of mycotic meningitis caused by pseudallescheria boydii It presents a comprehensive study of the features of the form , cultural characteristics , ultrastructure , antigenicity of pseudallescheria boydii cultured from the cerebrospinal fluid .

  5. 本研究在精神分裂症脑脊液细胞微量培养技术的基础上,应用ELISA双抗体夹心法检测了患者脑脊液中及培养的脑脊液细胞产生IL&6的情况。

    Objective : To study relationship between IL-6 and IgG production by CSF cells in schizophrenia . Method : CSF cells from 36 schizophrenic patients and 12 contral subjects were cultured in vitro and the levels of IL-6 and IgG levels in the culture medium were assayed with ELISA method .

  6. 方法对1996-2004年川北医学院附属医院收治的细菌性脑膜炎病例进行脑脊液和血培养,并对致病菌进行药敏试验。

    Method From 1996 to 2004 , cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) and blood specimens for bacterial culture were collected from in-patients of our hospital .

  7. 结果:本组患者均多次脑脊液涂片及培养后证实为隐球菌性脑膜炎,抗结核治疗均未愈。

    Results : All patients were given a final diagnosis as cryptococcal meningitis through cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) smear and culture of bacteria of CSF after antituberculous treatment had failed .

  8. 检测了102例脑脊液标本,与培养法相比,通用引物PCR的敏感性为92.3%。

    Compared with culture method , the sensitivity of the universal PCR for detection and identification of bacteria from 102 body fluids was 92.3 % .

  9. 结论新生隐球菌脑膜炎早期误诊率高,脑脊液涂片及真菌培养有利于确诊;两性霉素B、氟康唑、5Fc是有效的治疗药物,且联合治疗可提高疗效。

    Conclusion CNM can prone to be misdiagnosed at early stage , CSF smear and fungi culture are beneficial to the diagnosis , the combination of B amphotericin , fluconazole and 5-fluorocytosine is effective for the treatment of CNM .

  10. 脑脊液动物接种确诊培养阴性的新生隐球菌性脑膜炎

    Animal inoculation of cerebrospinal fluid confirmed culture-negative Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis

  11. 方法采用脑脊液药理学和原代神经细胞培养的方法,用Beagle犬的含DSQ-03脑脊液体外培养SD大鼠大脑皮质的神经细胞。

    Methods ① The cerebral cortex neuron of SD rats were cultured by Beagle dog CSF containing the DSQ-03 in vitro .