
liú shí
  • liquid;slop
流食 [liú shí]
  • [slop] 稀薄的饮料或稀软食物(如牛奶、稀饭等)

流食[liú shí]
  1. C组:对照组,术后72小时开始给予少量流食,逐渐恢复正常饮食。

    Group C : 20 children were given liquid diet since 72 hours after operation and changed to semiliquid and normal diet gradually .

  2. 他们说易活魁人用爆米花做流食或汤。

    They said the Iroquois used popcorn to make a liquid food , or soup .

  3. 你可能会注意到她吞咽有困难。要是这样的话,让她多吃流食。

    You 'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing . If this is the case , give her plenty of liquids

  4. 方法对临床疑有阑尾炎的75例病人,采用造影前2d流食,造影当日清洁肠道,用足量的钡剂快速注满右半结肠,辅以体位和加压促使阑尾显影。

    Methods Seventy-five patients with clinically suspected appendicitis underwent barium enema double contrast examination .

  5. 医生规定这个生病的孩子吃流食。

    The doctor prescribed a juice diet for the sick child .

  6. 你给他什么吃的了,贝德温?什么流食?

    Have you given him any nourishment , bedwin ? Any slops ?

  7. 他身体还很虚弱,只能吃一些流食。

    He 's still very weak , and must be fed fluids only .

  8. 与传统流食相比,可以改善患者营养状况和细胞免疫功能。

    Compared with traditional liquid diet , it could ameliorate nutritional status and cell immune function .

  9. 哥伦比亚大学医学中心的研究人员对六位采用流食的肥胖症住院患者的进食量进行了精确控制。

    The Columbia researchers carefully controlled the intake of six hospitalized obese patients using liquid diets .

  10. 对患儿增加流食的摄入,包括增加母乳喂养的次数,并给予稀软可口的食物。

    Increase fluid intake during illness , including more breastfeeding , and offer soft , favourite foods .

  11. 30例患者化疗前偏爱普食,化疗后2周厌恶普食,偏爱半流食;

    30 cases had partiality for general food before and disliked it but liked half-fluid food after chemo-therapy for 2 weeks ;

  12. 临床常表现为进流食或半流食后上腹部胀满不适,伴有恶心、呕吐,呕吐物为胃内容物,可含有胆汁,呕吐后腹胀等不适症状可暂时缓解。

    The clinical manifestation is abdominal distention , nausea and vomitus . The vomitus is gastric contents and the abdominal distention will relieve after vomiting .

  13. 起初数日进食牛奶,其后1周时半流食,大便逐渐变为正常颜色。

    Milky food for the first few days , and then semi-liquid diet for a week , the stool was changed to normal color gradually .

  14. 他说道:在未来人类所需的营养甚至可以通过流食或药剂的方式获得,这意味着牙齿会减少,而且人类的下颌也将退化。

    He says : We could even get our nutrition from liquids or pills in the future , which could mean less teeth and receded jaws .

  15. 给予小鼠不同的流质饮食:健康饮食,甜食,富含蛋白流食和玉米油只用的高脂流食。

    The rats were given various liquid diets : a health shake , a sugar solution , a protein-heavy liquid and high-fat drink made with corn oil .

  16. 他说道:“在未来人类所需的营养甚至可以通过流食或药剂的方式获得,这意味着牙齿会减少,而且人类的下颌也将退化。

    He says : " We could even get our nutrition from liquids or pills in the future , which could mean less teeth and receded jaws . "

  17. 要注意让患儿多喝水,吃易消化的流食,高热时及时服用退烧药,以防发生惊厥。

    Attention should be paid to let children drink plenty of water , eating digestible flow of food , heat and timely use of antipyretics to prevent febrile seizures .

  18. 她表示,术后她感到下巴疼痛,只能借助吸管吃流食,“当下颌用力时,她感觉下颌就要裂开了”。

    She alleged the surgery had left her with soreness in her chin , and she could only eat and drink through a straw as " when she exerted force on her lower jaw , she had the sensation that it would break . "