
liú yù miàn jī
  • drainage area
  1. 通过对评价因子的权重分配来看,物源与流域面积的比对泥石流活动性影响最大。

    Evaluation factor by the weight allocation , source and drainage area of debris flow activity most .

  2. 与加速沉积有关的条件包括流域面积,沟壑发育状况和土壤结构等。

    Conditions that are correlated with accelerated deposition include drainage area , gully development , and texture of source material .

  3. 江河源区流域面积在青海省境内为31.8190万km2。

    The whole area of the three rivers in Qinghai province is about 318 190 km ~ 2 .

  4. 采用子流域面积权重计算面平均雨量方法的探析

    Methods of calculating mean area rainfall with sub watershed area weight

  5. 如随着流域面积的增大,各枯水时段流量也相应增大。

    Flows during every low-flow periods increase accordingly with drainage area increasing .

  6. 生活服务型景观约占流域面积的3%。

    Living-service landscape type took about 3 % of the watershed area .

  7. 林地分布也较多,占流域面积的27.47%。

    And woodland is 27.47 % of the whole watershed .

  8. 全长817公里,流域面积92300平方公里。

    Xiang Jiang River span 817 kilometers , cover 92,300 square kilometers .

  9. 山东半岛流域面积对果园分布格局的影响

    The Impacts of River Basin Area on Orchard Landscape Structure in Shandong Peninsula

  10. 西丰市和东辽县是生态不安全区,约占流域面积的13.07%;

    Xifeng County and Dongliao County are insecure , which are 13.07 percent ;

  11. 汨罗江全长253公里,流域面积达5543平方公里。

    Miluo River total length of253 km , the basin area of5,543 square kilometers .

  12. 沟坡立地类型组占了该流域面积的一半多,达到61.13%,说明在纸坊沟流域中,立地主要以沟坡立地类型组为主:③沟底立地类型组占整个流域面积的2.16%。

    Gully bottom site type group accounts for 2.16 % of the whole watershed area .

  13. 同时,初步确定了雨量站网密度与流域面积之间的关系;

    Moreover , the relationship between density of rain gauging stations and area of watershed .

  14. 流域面积的国家。

    River Basin area of the country .

  15. 我国流域面积大,河流水系发达,拥有丰富的河流岸线资源。

    Watershed areas of China are large , with well-developed river systems and rich river shoreline resources .

  16. 鄱阳湖流域面积占江西省总面积的97%,具有极其重要的地位。

    The area of the Boyang lake valley is 97 % of the total area of Jiangxi province .

  17. 流域面积180.9万平方公里,是中国内河运输的大动脉。

    It has a catchment area of 1,809,000 square kilometers , and is the major inland-river transport artery in China .

  18. 三峡库区流域面积大,水污染的影响面也大。

    The drainage area of the Three Gorges Reservoir is very large , and sois its influence of water pollution .

  19. 其中,沙夹泥田占流域面积的41.47%,主要分布在流域的中部。

    And sand land is 41.47 % of the whole watershed , which mainly distributes in the middle of the study area .

  20. 该区主要景观类型为灌丛和林地,分别约占流域面积的43%和19%。

    The main landscape pattern were bush and forest , took 43.32 % and 19.17 % of the total watershed area respectively .

  21. 土壤类型主要以沙夹泥田、黄沙泥土为主,共占流域面积的57.59%。

    The primary soil in the watershed include sand land , yellow land , which is 57.59 % of the whole watershed .

  22. 长江流域面积广大,暴雨频繁,如何有效减少洪灾损失至关重要。

    The Yangtze River basin is very vast and has frequent rainstorms , so it is crucial to effectively reduce the flood loss .

  23. 流域面积的大小及气候和环境性质的差异对河流碳的输移及循环过程影响显著。

    The area of the drainage basin and differences in climate and environment markedly impact the export and cycle processes of the riverine carbon .

  24. 万泉河是海南岛第三大河,发源于五指山,全长163公里,流域面积3693平方公里。

    Hainan Island is third Wanquanhe rivers , originated in Wuzhishan , a total length of163 km , the basin area of3693 square kilometers .

  25. 世界第四长河,也是北美洲流程最长、流域面积最广、水量最大的河流。

    Mississippi is the world 's fourth longest river and longest in North America , with the most extensive area and the largest water .

  26. 以占密云水库以上集水流域面积31%的潮河流域作为研究区域。

    The Chaohe River basin , which accounts for31 % of the area of upper Miyun Reservoir catchment , was selected as the study area .

  27. 间歇型降雨侵蚀下,随流域面积的增加,径流含沙量曲线从抛物线复合形向幂函数递减形过渡;

    Whereas , following the increase of watershed area , under the action of intermittent-type rainfall the sediment hydrograph transits from parabola-compounded type into power-decreasing type .

  28. 河流长度、流域面积的大小及支流的多少、生物群落的相互作用、河流的位置与生产力等均影响着鱼类多样性。

    Fish diversity was impacted by river length , basin area , branches quantity , interspecific interaction in aquatic community , river location , and its productivity .

  29. 从总体上看,占流域面积69.7%的土壤表层有机质含量增加,而30.3%的土壤有机质含量减少。

    As a whole , the content of SOM in 69.7 % of total area was increased ; the others were decreased during the last 22 years .

  30. 探讨与香溪河具有相似纬度、相似河流长度和流域面积,同为长江上游支流的九龙河和冈曲河的大型底栖动物的群落结构特征与香溪河的差异。

    The three streams had similar latitude , river length and watershed area . All were the tributaries of the Yangtse River and located in the upstream areas .