
  • 网络Redford;Radford;Robert Redford;Alison Redford
  1. 你看过那部罗伯特。雷德福演的电影吗?

    Did you see that movie with Robert redford ?

  2. 和罗伯特。雷德福在影片《虎豹小霸王》中。

    With Robert Redford in " Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid "( 1969 ) .

  3. 雷德福有时会任由自己热情澎湃。

    Radford sometimes allows his enthusiasm to run away with him .

  4. 总统和底特律柴油机公司(DetroitDiesel)将会共同公布向雷德福镇一家工厂投资1亿美元的计划。

    The president and Detroit Diesel will unveil a 100-million-dollar investment at a factory in Redford Township .

  5. 当然,雷德福曾经扮演过杰伊?盖茨比(JayGatsby),那是在1974年版本的改编自F?斯科特?菲茨杰拉德(F?ScottFitzgerald)小说的影片中。

    Redford was once the movie world 's Jay Gatsby , of course ( in the 1974 film of F ? Scott Fitzgerald 's novel ) .

  6. 对雷德福一家来说,新生婴儿降临早已不是什么新鲜事了。

    Baby bumps are nothing new in the Radford household .

  7. 雷德福还进一步受到了紧张的故事情节和艺术性挑战的驱使。

    Redford was further compelled by the taut storytelling and artistic challenges .

  8. 雷德福总是被吸引到有关美国制度构建的故事上。

    Redford has always been drawn to stories about the fabric of American institutions .

  9. 但雷德福补充说道:我从来都不希望去拍什么可怜的宣传片。

    But Redford adds : I would never want to do something that was abject propaganda .

  10. 英国哲学家考林.雷德福指出,反应不一定是理性的。

    The British philosopher Colin . Redford pointed out that the reaction is not necessarily rational .

  11. 要是没有汤姆,这部电影就拍不成了,雷德福说道。

    I don 't think the film would have been made without Tom , says Redford .

  12. 虽然雷德福7年没拍一部电影了,但剧本触动了他的神经。

    Although Redford hadn 't directed a film for seven years , the script struck a nerve .

  13. 我希望这部影片会引起观众深思我们在这个国家的位置,雷德福说道。

    I hoped this film would provoke audiences to contemplate where we are in this country , says Redford .

  14. 雷德福夫人说:我之前一直说的都是永不说不,但这次也许是最后一个了。

    Mrs Radford said : I always say never say never but maybe this time it is the last . '

  15. 它来得出乎意料,雷德福回忆说,让我感到吃惊,因为是政治题材。

    It came out of the blue , Redford recalls , I was surprised by it because it was political .

  16. 雷德福扮演的角色是个不太知名的人物,有人劝他去竞选一个高层职位,但预计他不会获胜。

    Redford 's character is a relative unknown who is persuaded to run for high office but not expected to win .

  17. 雷德福夫人已经有9个儿子和7个女儿,她说自己发现再次怀孕后欣喜若狂。

    Mrs Radford , who has nine sons and seven daughters , said she was ecstatic to find out she was pregnant .

  18. 他在《虎豹小霸王》和《骗中骗》的搭档罗伯特•雷德福总是试图使自己永葆青春,而他却总是顺其自然。

    Unlike Robert Redford , his partner for both " Butch Cassidy " and " The Sting ", he made no attempt to preserve his prettiness .

  19. 在影片接近尾声时,雷德福获得了胜利,他转身问自己的竞选团队成员:我们现在该干什么了?

    In the film 's closing moment , his victory secured , Redford turns to his campaign staff and asks : What do we do now ?

  20. 雷德福表示,引发现实的辩论,并且让不习惯看电影处理这种大问题的年轻观众受到鼓舞,这一想法吸引了他。

    Redford says he was drawn to the idea of sparking real debate and invigorating young audiences not used to seeing such big issues tackled by movies .

  21. 就在几个月后,这个家庭迎来喜上加喜:因为雷德福夫人发现自己怀上了第17个孩子!所以现在,妈妈和女儿可以共享怀孕的喜悦了!

    Just a month later , the excitement was doubled when Mrs Radford discovered she was expecting her 17th baby so now mother and daughter are sharing the pregnancy process .