- 网络Ramesses II;Ramses;ramses ii;Rameses II

The remains of the temple of Ptah and of Apis have been uncovered at the site as well as a few statues , including two four-metre ones in alabaster of Ramesses II .
The idea is to help newcomers to crack the code , with clear information to interpret a vast trove that includes the Venus de Milo , Winged Victory of Samothrace and the colossal statue of Ramesses II .
The conflict gave rise to bloody engagements like 1274 B.C. 's Battle of Kadesh , but by time of the pharaoh Ramses II neither side had emerged as a clear victor .
Pharaoh Ramses II built two temples here out of rock .
An inscription indicates it depicts Seti I , father of Ramses II .
Even Ramses II was depicted wielding one .
The original text is part of the titulary of Seti I , that had been changed to reference Ramsses II .
The3200-year-old Abu Simbel temple is dramatized during a daily sound and light show on the eve of the anniversary of pharaoh king Ramses II 's coronation .
The resting places of the mighty pharaohs of Egypt , such as Ramses II and the boy king Tutankhamun , have inspired wonder and awe through centuries .
With both the Egyptians and Hittites facing threats from other peoples , in 1259 B.C. Ramses II and the Hittite King Hattusili III negotiated a famous peace treaty .
And egypt 's giant statues of Pharaoh Rames II was moved from congested downtown square in Cairo on friday , to its new home near the more peaceful Great pyramids .