
  • 网络Lagos;Lagos State
  1. 在1996年,我搬到拉各斯州,尼日利亚。

    In1996 , I moved to Lagos State , Nigeria .

  2. 埃博拉在利比里亚引发了恐慌和混乱,尼日利亚当局希望避免重蹈它的覆辙,我不得不说(虽然我平时很少对尼日利亚的各级政府予以赞扬),拉各斯州当局的反应速度和效率堪称典范。

    The authorities wanted to avoid the panic and mayhem that occurred in Liberia , and I have to say ( though I usually find very little to praise in any government in Nigeria ) that the speed and efficiency with which the Lagos State authorities reacted was exemplary .

  3. 五天以后,他过世了,但那个时候其他人已经被他感染,于是拉各斯州政府与联邦当局合作,很快就发布了预防埃博拉的消息:避免身体接触,经常洗手,亡者留给专业人士来处理。

    He died five days later , by which time others had been infected , whereupon the Lagos state government , in collaboration with federal authorities , was quick to promulgate the message : Avoid physical contact , wash your hands frequently , and leave it to professionals to handle the dead .