
  • 网络lager;Raga
  1. 终于,这两种酵母杂交形成了现在的拉格啤酒酿造商们使用的酵母,即酵母属巴斯德酵母(学名为Saccharomycespastorianus)。

    Eventually , the two yeast strains hybridised to form Saccharomyces pastorianus , the yeast used by lager brewers today .

  2. 生产拉格(或贮陈)啤酒的酵母可追溯到南美

    The yeast that gave rise to lager is tracked down to South America

  3. 以第一次开展橄榄球运动的拉格比学校命名。

    Named after Rugby school , where the game was first played .

  4. 布尔默公司是巴黎水和牙买加红带拉格啤酒的英国分销商。

    Bulmer is the UK distributor for Perrier and the Jamaican lager Red Stripe

  5. 因为基于网格的计算是一种动态的拉格朗E算法,因此与欧拉公式相应的非线性对流项将不再出现。

    Since the grid is used as an updated Lagrangian frame , the nonlinear convection term associated with Eulerian formulations does not appear .

  6. 补充一句,这是卡尔・拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)多年来最棒的设计系列之一。

    Plus it was one of Karl Lagerfeld 's best collections in years .

  7. 曾为已故的纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela)当了19年私人助理的赛尔达•拉格兰赫(ZeldaLaGrange)称,人们瞧不起看门人。

    Zelda La Grange , personal assistant to the late Nelson Mandela for 19 years , says people underestimate the gatekeeper .

  8. 马克尔的母亲多里娅·拉格兰(DoriaRagland)穿了鲜豆苗色调的奥斯卡·德拉伦塔(OscardelaRenta)外套和长裙;

    Doria Ragland , Ms. Markle 's mother , wore an Oscar de la Renta coat and dress the shade of fresh pea shoots ;

  9. 私人股权公司对中国以外地区的了解是其附加值,瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)驻香港亚太并购主管乔加拉格尔(JoeGallagher)说。

    The value-add is what the private equity firms know outside China , says Joe Gallagher , head of mergers and acquisitions , Asia-Pacific , at Credit Suisse in Hong Kong .

  10. LawrenceGraham律师事务所的伊冯娜加拉格尔(YvonneGallagher)表示,新闻国际还可能面临《世界新闻报》员工在雇佣审判庭提起索赔。

    News International may also face employment tribunal claims from staff of the News of the World , says Yvonne Gallagher of Lawrence Graham .

  11. 侏儒提利昂•兰尼斯特(TyrionLannister)(剧中由彼得•丁克拉格(PeterDinklage)出演,获得了艾美奖)是他书中最接近英雄的侏儒。

    And the dwarf Tyrion Lannister ( played in the series by Peter Dinklage , in an Emmy-winning performance ) is the closest the books have to a hero .

  12. 公关公司KetchumLondon的首席执行官戴维•加拉格尔(DavidGallagher)指出:作为一个美国人,我不得不说,全球公关中心已经从纽约转移到了伦敦。

    David Gallagher , CEO at the PR firm Ketchum London , said : The centre of gravity has moved from New York to London , and I say this as an American .

  13. Kruger早先曾声称一个尼日利亚传教士、所谓的“先知约书亚”在2001年他访问尼日利亚拉格斯的时候也治愈了他。

    Kruger had earlier claimed that the so-called prophet Joshua , a Nigerian preacher , had also cured him during a visit to Lagos in2001 .

  14. 当方爱之(AnnaAiFang)2004年以210万美元的价格购买了公寓58E时,她在房契上填写的转收地址绝对是相当低调,那是她在哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)拉格尔斯厅(RugglesHall)的宿舍。

    When Anna Ai Fang purchased Condominium 58E in 2004 for $ 2.1 million , the forwarding address on the deed was a decidedly more modest location : her dorm , Ruggles Hall , at Columbia University .

  15. 加拉格尔副总裁史蒂夫·托克获奖条例草案加拉格尔的名义,他目前在拉斯维加斯的ISC西国际安全会议。

    Gallagher Deputy CEO , Steve Tucker received the award on behalf of Bill Gallagher as he is currently in Las Vegas for the ISC West international security conference .

  16. 三维快速拉格郎日法(简称FLAC3D)是近年来逐步完善起来的一种新型数值分析方法。

    The method of Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua-Three-dimensional ( hereafter called FLAC3D ) is a new type of numerical analysis developing and improving in recent years .

  17. 今晚的吟诵是一首催眠曲,一首哀歌,意在感激,拉格(raga)曲式,表达悲悯与虔敬。

    The chant tonight is a lullaby , a lament , an attempt at gratitude , written in a raga ( a tune ) that is meant to suggest compassion and devotion .

  18. 正对着伊丽莎白二世女王就坐的是马克尔的母亲多里娅·拉格兰(DoriaRagland),她是美国南部诸州种植园奴隶的后裔。

    Seated directly opposite Queen Elizabeth II , was Ms. Markle 's mother , Doria Ragland , the descendant of slaves on plantations in the American Deep South .

  19. 当然他的队友兼目前冠军榜领头羊大美的车跟他一模一样,为了提升rubens的机会有必要也来回顾下大美在英特拉格斯的战绩。

    Of course team mate , and standing 's leader , Button has exactly the same car under him , and so to evaluate Barrichello 's chances one must also look back at the British driver 's record at Interlagos .

  20. 投资银行CanaccordGenuity的分析师以“强劲”描述喜力业绩,他们着重指出了巴西市场的稳健表现,随着巴西经济趋弱,许多消费品公司报告该市场放缓,但优质拉格啤酒的销量仍然保持良好。

    Describing the results as " strong , " analysts at Canaccord Genuity highlighted the robust performance of Brazil , where many consumer companies have reported a slowdown as the economy weakens but where sales of premium lagers are still holding up .

  21. 不完全是。我们要回到史塔拉格洛福特。

    Not exactly . we 're headed back to Stalag luft .

  22. 在费拉格莫的办公室有一些证据。

    There is some physical evidence in George ferragamo 's office .

  23. 拉格都水电站泄洪工程布置与护岸设计

    Layout of Release Works and Design of Revetment of Lagdo Hydropower Station

  24. 它的建筑优美,正对着红衣主教比拉格的喷泉。

    It is opposite the fountain of Cardinal de Birague .

  25. 布罗德里克开着租来的宝马直直地撞上加拉格尔的车。

    Broderick 's rented BMW hit Gallagher 's car head-on .

  26. 威尔逊和加拉格尔心不在焉地打着扑克。

    Wilson and Gallagher play a desultory game of poker .

  27. 她双膝上抱着一个拉格弟?安布娃娃。

    She carried a Raggedy Ann doll on her lap .

  28. 到佛拉格斯塔夫之后,去圣迭戈吧。

    After Flagstaff , we 'll go to San Diego .

  29. 那个囚犯在史塔拉格洛福特附近再度被捕获,并且承认。

    The prisoner was recaptured near Stalag Luft and later admitted there .

  30. 贝尔拉格学院&从蒙台梭利乐园到校园

    The Berlage institute : from Montessori paradise to school