
  • 网络Indian music;India Music;music of India;Indies Music
  1. 我正上网查找关于印度音乐的资料。

    I was surfing the Net looking for information on Indian music .

  2. 印度音乐遵循它自己常规的音乐格调。

    The Indian music follows its own normal pattern of notes .

  3. 但这款应用能否成功仍没有定论,因为印度音乐流媒体市场过于拥挤,目前仍由YouTubeMusic、JioSaavn和Gaana三家掌控。

    However , the app 's success still hangs in the balance given India 's overcrowded music streaming market , which is currently ruled by YouTube Music , JioSaavn and Gaana .

  4. 神奇的印度音乐与舞蹈

    The Magical Indian Music and Dance The Developing India

  5. 显然,它分辨不出印度音乐和爵士乐!

    It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz !

  6. 印度音乐是没有写下来的。

    Indian music is not written down .

  7. 印度音乐的基本理论

    The Basic Theory Of The Indian Music

  8. 但后来的歌曲却受到了印度音乐和宗教的影响。

    And their later songs were under the influence of the music and religion of india .

  9. 你根本就不喜欢那种印度音乐的高潮风格,是吧?

    You didn 't actually like that orgasm set to the Gandhi soundtrack , did you ?

  10. 这个季节的娱乐节目包括五个新剧和几场中国及印度音乐演奏会。

    This season 's entertainments include five new plays and several concerts of Chinese and Indian music .

  11. 印度音乐在世界音乐之林独树一帜,具有特殊的文化属性。

    In the world music , Indian music has its own special item and special cultural characteristic .

  12. 回来时只有乔治完全被这一经历改变了,他欣然接受了印度音乐和宗教信仰。

    Only George emerged fundamentally changed by the experience , embracing both Indian music and religious beliefs .

  13. 哈里森将他们也因此将西方世界引入印度音乐、文化和宗教。

    Harrison introduced them and therefore the Western world to Indian music , culture , and religion .

  14. 今天,印度音乐中走上了不同的一群人,来自世界各地。

    Today , Hindi music has found its way to a diverse group of people from all over the world .

  15. 在印度音乐文化自身的发展轨迹中,音乐与宗教、种族、异国文化等基础背景有密切联系。

    In the development of Indian music culture there is close relationship between music and its basic background , such as religion , race and alien culture .

  16. 印度音乐与舞蹈都有着悠久的历史,印度文化的多样性特征、印度艺术同宗教千丝万缕的联系、印度艺术与原始思维的密切联系等等特点都在音乐和舞蹈中体现出来。

    With a long history , Indian music and dance embodies the diversification of Indian culture , countless ties between Indian art and religion , close relationship between Indian art and primitive thinking .

  17. 这也可能说明印度的音乐进了一个死胡同。

    This could mean the India sounds reached a dead end .

  18. 我见过他们不情愿,对他们的印度斯坦音乐的理解是正确的惊讶。

    I met them reluctantly and was surprised by their understanding of Hindustani music .

  19. 印度的音乐同样相当古老。

    India 's music is pretty ancient too .

  20. 隋唐时期的宫廷音乐是以胡俗乐为核心的音乐,其中,印度系音乐影响颇盛。

    Husu Yue was the kernel of the court music in Sui and Tang dynasties , among which the impact of Indian music can be obviously seen .

  21. 接着,对梵呗进行了专题研究,阐明了印度佛教音乐传入并融入中国发生的诸多变化。

    Then , Buddhist music in the form Sanskrit chanting conducted case studies to clarify the Indian Buddhist music incoming and integrated into the many changes taking place in China .

  22. 它是全国的文化之都,有七所舞蹈与音乐学校,比如Kalakshetra舞蹈学校、专注于南印度卡纳蒂克音乐的音乐学院,两所学校都定期在城里各处演出。

    It is , however , a national cultural capital and home to several dance and music schools like Kalakshetra for dance and the Music Academy for Carnatic South Indian music , which both regularly hold performances around town .

  23. 在现代教育体系建立之前印度古典音乐的传统传承方式和现代教育体系之后,独立于学校教育之外的社会音乐传承方式更多的是指社会教育的概念。

    Before and after the modern school system was set up and the Indian classical music tradition as well as the modern education system , the heritage of the society education which totally independents from the school education mean the education in society .

  24. 如今只有少数人在钻研印度的古典音乐。

    Now only a few study the classical music of India .

  25. 印度西塔琴音乐效果最好,其次是古典音乐。

    Indian sitar music works best , followed by classical music .

  26. 现在只有很少人研究印度的古典音乐了。

    Now only a few people study the classical music of India .

  27. 印度客商求购电池音乐电话玩具,音频必须使用印度语,请有意者将产品图片及报价发送至邮箱。

    Anybody interested in providing this toys please mail me with your contact particulars I will contact them . I need this product in bulk .