
  • 网络Indore
  1. kanagaraj教的这个班来自精英商学院印度管理学院(indianinstituteofmanagement)印多尔分校。

    Mr Kanagaraj is teaching this class from the elite Indian Institute of management in Indore .

  2. 在过去30年里,印度管理学院又建立了4所分校&分别位于班加罗尔、勒克瑙、印多尔和科泽科德。

    Four more IIMs have been built in India in the past three decades - in Bangalore , Lucknow , Indore and Kozhikode .

  3. 该服务现已覆盖包括新德里、印多尔、班加罗尔、艾哈迈达巴德、浦那、科印巴托尔和钦奈这7座印度城市。

    Its service is now available in seven Indian cities , including New Delhi , Indore , Bangalore , Ahmedabad , Pune , Coimbatore and Chennai .

  4. 十多年后,印多尔城的一队医生决定实施一项总共分为四个阶段的罕见手术,给阿伦一个新的鼻子。

    More than a decade later , a team of doctors in Indore city decided to conduct a rare four-phased plastic surgery to give Arun a new nose .

  5. 印度中央邦政府正对这起指控进行调查,据称在印多尔市,有最多300名女童接受了外科变性手术,而他们的父母为每例手术支付了大约两千英镑。

    Madhya Pradesh state government is investigating claims that up to 300 girls were surgically turned into boys in one city after their parents paid about £ 2,000 each for the operations .