
  • 网络xenopsylla cheopis
  1. 鼠疫菌在印鼠客蚤体内的形态改变

    Shaped changes of Yersinia . pestis in body of Xenopsylla cheopis

  2. 吸血对印鼠客蚤生殖腺发育的影响

    The effect of blood feeding on the development of gonads of Xenopsylla cheopis

  3. 印鼠客蚤Xenopsyllacheopis在新疆的首次发现

    The First Discovery of Xenopsylla cheopis in Xinjiang

  4. 印鼠客蚤实验室种群的性比和羽化

    The Sex Ratio and Adult Eclosion of Xenopsylla cheopis in Laboratory

  5. 方形黄鼠蚤与印鼠客蚤鼠疫媒介效能的比较研究

    Studies on comparative plague-vector efficiency of citellophilus tesquorum sungaris and Xenopsylla cheopis

  6. 目的观察杀虫剂天然除虫菊素对印鼠客蚤实验室的杀灭效果。

    Objective To observe the efficacy of Pyrethrins against Xenospylla cheopis in the laboratory .

  7. 不同地理株印鼠客蚤酯酶同功酶的比较研究

    A Study on Comparison of Esterase Isoenzyme in Different Strain of Xenopsylla cheopis Rothschild

  8. 双重式聚合酶链反应检测印鼠客蚤鼠疫菌的观察

    Study on Yersinia pestis in Xenopsylla cheopis Detected by the Double Primers PCR Method

  9. 鉴别港区蚤类41匹,均为当地常见的印鼠客蚤;港区每年鼠密度都保持在0.2%以下。

    The density of rats was under 0.2 % in the port each year ;

  10. 主要蚤种是印鼠客蚤。

    The main flea was xenopsylla cheopis .

  11. 温湿度系数对印鼠客蚤实验种群羽化的影响

    Effects of Temperature , Humidity on the Population Emergence Rate of Xenopsylla cheopis in Laboratory

  12. 蚤分3属3种,印鼠客蚤占98.56%;

    Fleas belong to 3 genera and 3 species , 98.56 % of them were Xenopsylla cheopis ;

  13. 本文介绍了一种新人工膜养蚤装置的研制、影响印鼠客蚤养殖质量的若干因素及繁殖效果的观察。

    A new device with artificial membrane for flea rearing was developed and introduced in this paper .

  14. 5种不同生境的捕鼠率为2.61%~15.42%,鼠体印鼠客蚤指数为0.68~2.59。

    Capture rate in 5 different habitats varied from 2.61 % to 5.42 % and flea index of X.

  15. 结论印鼠客蚤、人蚤和不等单蚤是隆林县鼠疫控制中的主要防治对象。

    Conclusion X.cheopis , Pulex irritans and Monopsyllus anisus are the targeted subjects for plague control in Longlin county .

  16. 印鼠客蚤灭蚤率为81.30%,校正灭蚤率79.71%。

    The rate of killing xenopsylla cheopis was 81.30 % . The rectified rate of killing flea was 79.71 % .

  17. 印鼠客蚤滞留于活宿主时间明显长于死宿主。

    In Xenopsylla cheopis ( Rothschild ), the time for flea to stay on live host evidently longer than on dead host .

  18. 因此,印鼠客蚤的流行病学意义大于缓慢细蚤,在云南黄胸鼠鼠疫疫源地中,加强对印鼠容蚤的防治是控制鼠疫流行的重要措施。

    In the epidemic region of R. flavipectus in Yunnan , preventive measures to X. cheopis should be reinforced to control the spread of plague .

  19. 印鼠客蚤这种聚集型分布意味着该蚤的个体分布不均匀,而是在宿主动物体表形成大小不等的聚集蚤群。

    The aggregated distribution pattern means that the flea individuals do not evenly distribute on rat host but gather as different size groups on rat individuals .

  20. 结果该地区啮齿动物有3科12属21种;媒介蚤有5种,黄胸鼠和印鼠客蚤为优势种。

    Results The 21 species in 12 genus of the 3 families of the rodents and the 5 species of fleas were identified in the areas .

  21. 本文报告了印鼠客蚤在用人工离体方法养殖中,幼虫密度及饲科厚度对幼期成长和成蚤质量影响的有关结果。

    This paper reports some results of the influences of larva density and fodder thickness on the larva growth and the adult quality of Oriental rat flea , reared by artificial method in vitro .

  22. 目的研究印鼠客蚤实验室种群的性比和羽化规律,为蚤类生长发育、生态习性、传病机制、生理毒理和防制药剂开发等的研究奠定基础。

    Objective To provide basic information for the study of oriental rat ( flea 's )( Xenopsylla cheopis ) development , ecological habit , mechanism of disease transmission , physiology and toxicology , and insecticide exploitation et al .

  23. 人蚤和印鼠客蚤是云南盈江县黄胸鼠鼠疫自然疫自然源地主要的地面游离蚤,分别占82.47%和10.29%,高峰季节分别在夏季和秋季。

    The Pulex irritans and Xenopsylla cheopis are the main fleas over the ground in plague natura foci of rattus flavipectus in Ying jiang county of Yunnan . They each take 82.47 % and 10.29 % and the peaked in summer and autumn season .